Breast size is always a sensitive and never ending issue for most women. Getting a bigger breast is always the desire of most women for different reasons. Aside from liposuction, one of the top cosmetic or plastic surgeries performed on women is breast augmentation, which proves that most women want bigger breasts.
Why women want bigger breasts? Here are some of the reasons:
To feel good about their appearance.
Most women are not happy with smaller breasts simply because they do not look good with flat chest. Having a flat chest is not something very flattering when you want to wear gorgeous dress especially with plunging neck line. Most designs of women clothes look good on women with fuller and firmer breasts. Wearing bathing suit is also something they avoid. Women want bigger breasts to feel good about their appearance and to have the confidence to wear any clothes they want without worries and embarrassment.
To boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Magazines and movies made an image that women with larger breasts are more beautiful and adorable. This is one of the reasons why women with smaller breast are often the center of teasing that makes them feel something is wrong with their appearance leading to low self-esteem. Flat chested women are left with the feeling of insecurity and with doubts on their worth due to the negative reactions and teasing of insensitive people. Women want bigger breasts to eliminate their insecurities and boost their confidence.
To be the desire of most men.
Breasts are the object of desire of most men and they find women with larger bosom sexy, gorgeous, lovable and desirable. Big breasted women are always the center of attention of most men and flat chested women are left unnoticed. Although not all men are looking for big breasted women, still a large population of men adores sexy big breasted women.
While it is true that the total personality of a person makes a woman adorable and not the size of her breasts, there are still a large number of women who want bigger breasts. If you feel that having a firm, bigger and fuller breasts will give you self worth, then you have to think a safer way to get your desired bust size. You have to think many times before getting a breast surgery because there are risks involved. Do you really have to take the risk and subject yourself under the knife?
Did you know that you can increase your bust size naturally? Discover how to get bigger breasts without the expensive and risky procedure of breast surgery. If you want bigger breasts visit Breast Actives
To get bigger breasts without surgery visit Breast Enlargement Program
To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Free Beauty Samples From Your Favorite Products
Like a young boy who has noted a new fun plaything, this commentary about free beauty samples will present a whole new world of awe and wonder for you. Almost every woman enjoys using beauty products, but these products can run into some money too. Face creams are a case in point. No matter your age, there is a face cream which promises to alleviate whatever problem your skin may pose. The truth is, some do work better than others and some products are better suited to a particular skin type. Most of us can't afford to purchase several of these products before settling on one that does the job. Just the same, many women will do so, unnecessarily. You don't have to buy the product to find out. Most cosmetic companies don't make a big deal out of letting you in on this secret, but they surely do want you as a regular customer. In most cases, all you need to do is ask for a free beauty sample of their product. The company knows that if you're pleased with the results, you'll buy. This doesn't apply only to face creams. There's make-up, body creams, hair removal creams, perfume, shampoo and conditioners. You'll find free beauty samples available for all but the most inexpensive drugstore shampoos. Even then, you can usually find travel sized sample products of these for less than a dollar.
We hope that the first part of this commentary as brought you a lot of much needed information on the subject at hand. Here's one way to gather a supply of free beauty samples that's also a lot of fun. Call up a like-minded girlfriend and head for the mall. Hit all the big department store cosmetic counters. Don't be shy. Explain to each clerk that you're looking for a face cream (or body lotion or whatever) that you really like. Tell her you've already tried half a dozen which you bought, but that didn't prove satisfactory. Ask for some free beauty samples. Along with the samples, you'll probably get a free make-up application as well. You can try new eyeliners, eyeshadow, make-up, concealers and lipstick. If you like how the product looks and behaves on you, go ahead and buy one. Cosmetic sales people are well trained in the merits and uses of their product lines and can provide good guidance. Besides, it's free. On your way out, ask if she has any perfume samples - they always do! Another way to obtain free beauty samples is to go online. You don't even need to leave the house. The cosmetics industry is highly competitive. Major cosmetic companies often have free beauty samples, as well as coupons, which they are happy to send out to you. Have you wanted to try some of the new mineral make-up products, but hesitated at the expense? Ask for a sample. After all, if the product is as good as the ads claim, why wouldn't you buy? You just have to give it a try, before you buy! Having this information about free beauty samples will assist you a lot the next time you find yourself looking for help about the topic.
We hope that the first part of this commentary as brought you a lot of much needed information on the subject at hand. Here's one way to gather a supply of free beauty samples that's also a lot of fun. Call up a like-minded girlfriend and head for the mall. Hit all the big department store cosmetic counters. Don't be shy. Explain to each clerk that you're looking for a face cream (or body lotion or whatever) that you really like. Tell her you've already tried half a dozen which you bought, but that didn't prove satisfactory. Ask for some free beauty samples. Along with the samples, you'll probably get a free make-up application as well. You can try new eyeliners, eyeshadow, make-up, concealers and lipstick. If you like how the product looks and behaves on you, go ahead and buy one. Cosmetic sales people are well trained in the merits and uses of their product lines and can provide good guidance. Besides, it's free. On your way out, ask if she has any perfume samples - they always do! Another way to obtain free beauty samples is to go online. You don't even need to leave the house. The cosmetics industry is highly competitive. Major cosmetic companies often have free beauty samples, as well as coupons, which they are happy to send out to you. Have you wanted to try some of the new mineral make-up products, but hesitated at the expense? Ask for a sample. After all, if the product is as good as the ads claim, why wouldn't you buy? You just have to give it a try, before you buy! Having this information about free beauty samples will assist you a lot the next time you find yourself looking for help about the topic.
Friday, 26 September 2008
How to Find Real Love - Without Getting Burned
How to Find Real Love
Do you want to find real love? Maybe you have already found it. Maybe you have lost it. A lot of people have only a vague idea of what love is. Some have no idea at all. Some say that love is not so much the emotional, passionate or romantic ideals that we are bombarded with everyday (although that is a part of it), but more of a commitment to someone special for a lifetime.
For most people falling in love means having strong, close, warm, intoxicating feelings. When these feelings pass, (as they must) they feel that the love is gone. Nothing can be further from the truth. When these feelings pass (as all feelings do) that is the point at which the love can begin. Read on and learn how to find real love in your life.
This love has its genesis in doing. It is not a state of fantasy, but a process of action that is sincere and ever present. It starts with ourselves, and extends out to others. It is not love that we are fishing for, but feelings that we are giving to others. This kind of love, which won't fail, is built upon your actions of worth.
When we fill our lives, and our actions towards others, with things of value, things that we can respect - actions towards them and ourselves that are loving, respectful, generous, kind, love happens right then. The more actions of this kind that we take towards others and towards ourselves the stronger our foundation of love becomes. No matter how the other is behaving, we can always respond with an action of worth - with a kind word, a moment of forgiveness, a hug, with seeing the vision. We can open our hands and offer life to them, rather than close our hands and our hearts, embrace and comfort them in a special place.
If you think more about these actions, you will be able to answer the question how to find real love and your relationships will be more fulfilling as a result.
Do you want to find real love? Maybe you have already found it. Maybe you have lost it. A lot of people have only a vague idea of what love is. Some have no idea at all. Some say that love is not so much the emotional, passionate or romantic ideals that we are bombarded with everyday (although that is a part of it), but more of a commitment to someone special for a lifetime.
For most people falling in love means having strong, close, warm, intoxicating feelings. When these feelings pass, (as they must) they feel that the love is gone. Nothing can be further from the truth. When these feelings pass (as all feelings do) that is the point at which the love can begin. Read on and learn how to find real love in your life.
This love has its genesis in doing. It is not a state of fantasy, but a process of action that is sincere and ever present. It starts with ourselves, and extends out to others. It is not love that we are fishing for, but feelings that we are giving to others. This kind of love, which won't fail, is built upon your actions of worth.
When we fill our lives, and our actions towards others, with things of value, things that we can respect - actions towards them and ourselves that are loving, respectful, generous, kind, love happens right then. The more actions of this kind that we take towards others and towards ourselves the stronger our foundation of love becomes. No matter how the other is behaving, we can always respond with an action of worth - with a kind word, a moment of forgiveness, a hug, with seeing the vision. We can open our hands and offer life to them, rather than close our hands and our hearts, embrace and comfort them in a special place.
If you think more about these actions, you will be able to answer the question how to find real love and your relationships will be more fulfilling as a result.
Beauty Tips - Caring For Hands and Nails Naturally
Hands and nails get an extreme work out everyday. Most normal daily activities involve the use of your hands. Washing dishes, cleaning the house, and other things require the use of strong chemicals that are extremely harsh on the skin and nails. Products you find in the store to help treat hand and nail problems often contain chemicals too. The solution is to opt for a treatment plan that does not require you to use any form of chemical substance. There are a number of perfectly natural remedies that you can use to make your nails look and feel as good as new. By using a few easy tips you will be back on track in the form of good looking nails.
The best way to heal your nails is to make the remedies at home. This will ensure that the stuff you use is perfectly natural and wont cause any adverse effects. There is only one way you can be sure you know the beauty products you are using are safe - you make them yourself. Many fruits, vegetables, oils, and other common household supplies contain natural ingredients that can care for and pamper your hands and nails. Plus, the cost of creating your own products is a fraction of what you pay for overpriced merchandise in the store.
Soaps often times can be drying, causing the skin to become easily irritated. Making your own gently hand scrub is an effective way to add moisture back into your skin. You probably already have the necessary ingredients at home right now. All you need is 2 tablespoons of plain oatmeal, 1 ½ teaspoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and a ¼ cup of water. Let the oatmeal soak in the water for about ten minutes. When the oatmeal is soft, add the lemon juice and the oil and blend well. Rub the mixture into your hands. Let it stay on your skin for about 2 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Add a good moisturizer following the scrub to add extra nourishment to your skin.
For an overnight deep conditioning treatment, mix together a ½ cup of coconut oil, ½ cup of granulated sugar and the juice of one lemon. Rub mixture all over hands. Brush off excess sugar with a soft cloth and put on a pair of cotton gloves. Go to sleep with the gloves on. They will help the oil absorb into the skin. When you wake up in the morning, your hands will be silky smooth.
Nails often get dull and discolored from chemicals and other environmental pollutants. Simply drop a denture cleaning tablet into a cup of water and soak your nails for ten minutes. The tablet will whiten and brighten your nails, as well as your dentures. Dry, brittle nails are also easy to treat with this simple remedy. Combine a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil in bowl and mix well. Massage the mixture into your nails and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse off oil with warm water and a mild soap if necessary. The solution will both recondition and brighten your nails.
The best thing about homemade stuff is the fact that it is same. You are not bothered about side effects it may cause because of some of the chemicals that might be used in the cream or solution. Just a bit of research and some hard work will go a very long way for you.
The best way to heal your nails is to make the remedies at home. This will ensure that the stuff you use is perfectly natural and wont cause any adverse effects. There is only one way you can be sure you know the beauty products you are using are safe - you make them yourself. Many fruits, vegetables, oils, and other common household supplies contain natural ingredients that can care for and pamper your hands and nails. Plus, the cost of creating your own products is a fraction of what you pay for overpriced merchandise in the store.
Soaps often times can be drying, causing the skin to become easily irritated. Making your own gently hand scrub is an effective way to add moisture back into your skin. You probably already have the necessary ingredients at home right now. All you need is 2 tablespoons of plain oatmeal, 1 ½ teaspoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and a ¼ cup of water. Let the oatmeal soak in the water for about ten minutes. When the oatmeal is soft, add the lemon juice and the oil and blend well. Rub the mixture into your hands. Let it stay on your skin for about 2 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Add a good moisturizer following the scrub to add extra nourishment to your skin.
For an overnight deep conditioning treatment, mix together a ½ cup of coconut oil, ½ cup of granulated sugar and the juice of one lemon. Rub mixture all over hands. Brush off excess sugar with a soft cloth and put on a pair of cotton gloves. Go to sleep with the gloves on. They will help the oil absorb into the skin. When you wake up in the morning, your hands will be silky smooth.
Nails often get dull and discolored from chemicals and other environmental pollutants. Simply drop a denture cleaning tablet into a cup of water and soak your nails for ten minutes. The tablet will whiten and brighten your nails, as well as your dentures. Dry, brittle nails are also easy to treat with this simple remedy. Combine a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil in bowl and mix well. Massage the mixture into your nails and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse off oil with warm water and a mild soap if necessary. The solution will both recondition and brighten your nails.
The best thing about homemade stuff is the fact that it is same. You are not bothered about side effects it may cause because of some of the chemicals that might be used in the cream or solution. Just a bit of research and some hard work will go a very long way for you.
How to Find the Products to Help You Look Your Best
How to Find the Products to Help You Any woman wishing to look her best often has to go through a whole lot of trouble. The good news is that there are a number of product lines that are available to help. What's even better is that you can order most of them from the comfort of your own home. These are all highly respected companies as well, and all of the products are recognized as leaders in their field.
One of the most important factors in your appearance is your hair. Hair care is a rapidly growing industry with special solutions and treatments available for just about any need. This means that you can get some truly great products from respectable enterprises. One such example is Phyto. There name is actually the Greek term for something that comes from plants, so you can bet that everything is organic. All of their products use natural herbs and extracts to revive your hair and make it shine. They also have a section for skincare and Men's products if you need to branch out a bit. Other than that, it's pretty simple. They have tons of shampoos and conditioners meant to strengthen your hair naturally so that it looks its best without unnecessary chemicals.
Once your hair is set, you may want to look for something a bit more personal to your look. Any professional woman will probably need pantyhose. If you want something a bit more than the standard ones though, you might want to check out the catalog at Spanx. They offer a mixture of pantyhose with options for body shaping to help look just a bit more fit. These should help trim your waistline a bit to look your absolute best for any meetings or trips. There are also options for body fitting underwear and normal pantyhose.
There are also other options for comfortable underwear though. Wacoal bras are widely available thanks to a few online retailers. Wacoal is specifically known for its mixture of comfort and quality throughout all of its products. Oprah actually recognized the company on her show not too long ago as a real innovation in comfort and a number of stars have joined the roster of supporters. If you are really looking for a bra that will give you all the support and comfort that you need, then you should at least check them out.
These are just three of the big product lines that are available for your wardrobe choices. There are a plethora of clothing lines and cosmetic providers who are ready and willing to help you look your best. Look Your Best
One of the most important factors in your appearance is your hair. Hair care is a rapidly growing industry with special solutions and treatments available for just about any need. This means that you can get some truly great products from respectable enterprises. One such example is Phyto. There name is actually the Greek term for something that comes from plants, so you can bet that everything is organic. All of their products use natural herbs and extracts to revive your hair and make it shine. They also have a section for skincare and Men's products if you need to branch out a bit. Other than that, it's pretty simple. They have tons of shampoos and conditioners meant to strengthen your hair naturally so that it looks its best without unnecessary chemicals.
Once your hair is set, you may want to look for something a bit more personal to your look. Any professional woman will probably need pantyhose. If you want something a bit more than the standard ones though, you might want to check out the catalog at Spanx. They offer a mixture of pantyhose with options for body shaping to help look just a bit more fit. These should help trim your waistline a bit to look your absolute best for any meetings or trips. There are also options for body fitting underwear and normal pantyhose.
There are also other options for comfortable underwear though. Wacoal bras are widely available thanks to a few online retailers. Wacoal is specifically known for its mixture of comfort and quality throughout all of its products. Oprah actually recognized the company on her show not too long ago as a real innovation in comfort and a number of stars have joined the roster of supporters. If you are really looking for a bra that will give you all the support and comfort that you need, then you should at least check them out.
These are just three of the big product lines that are available for your wardrobe choices. There are a plethora of clothing lines and cosmetic providers who are ready and willing to help you look your best. Look Your Best
Monday, 8 September 2008
Skin Care Beauty Throughout History
Skin care has always been an important part of the beauty regimen for women, and some men throughout history. The secret formula or tonic (ancient skin care products) for smooth and fare skin was as much sought after many times as riches and glory. Ancient peoples did not need dermatologists, scary cancer statistics, or Stridex to know that they needed to protect their skin.
Perhaps they did not completely understand that the epidermis was, in fact one of their organs, but those societies did comprehend how fragile and vulnerable the skin really was, and that they could not live without it. Skin care was high on the priority list, although mostly because they wanted to be beautiful and keeping the skin in good shape also kept those ladies and gents pretty as peacocks.
They Put What On Their Face?
Skin care definitely did not have the same meaning several hundred years ago as it does today. There were not any doctors solely devoted to skin care and preventing (and healing) any related afflictions. The doctors of that time did still try to heal all. Boils and pimples do not a pretty princess make. Likewise skin care products were very different in composition, appearance, and certainly in packaging.
Some ancient civilizations incorporated many commonplace natural ingredients into their own version of skin care products: witch hazel, rose hip seed oil, aloe vera, beeswax, and chamomile to name a few. Most of those ingredients can be found underneath your bathroom sink and even in your kitchen. Although you may want to do a little research before you just start rubbing yourself down with everything at once. That would be an interesting rash to explain to your family doctor.
Fast Forward To This Century
It is very interesting to see how these older cultures and societies approached skin care in their day. It is said that ancient Greek athletes would apply olive oil and fine sand to protect their skin from being sunburned. That must have made for one grimy shower after the race. Aren’t you glad you have Banana Boat and Coppertone? Who likes that whole “sand in the shorts†feeling anyway?
The allure of natural skin care products is finally taking hold in the modern era, with many of the popular skin care companies making the switch and turning back to Mother Nature for their ingredients. There are also those companies, like CollageneLife Intl that chose from the beginning to only use natural herbs, plants, and other components in making their innovative and very unique skin care products.
CollageneLife Intl believes that the answers to incredible skin care and reversing the aging process lies beneath the surface, as in all the way down to the cells themselves. Their Natural Collagen skin care line and the “first of its kind†collagen capsules Colvita are designed to heal the skin at the cellular level first, and the smoother skin will follow. Their newer natural skin care products from the Beauty of Life line are creams and mud masks made from the exotic and rare minerals found in the Dead Sea. CollageneLife Intl is making waves and stirring excitement with their all natural skin care products.
Perhaps they did not completely understand that the epidermis was, in fact one of their organs, but those societies did comprehend how fragile and vulnerable the skin really was, and that they could not live without it. Skin care was high on the priority list, although mostly because they wanted to be beautiful and keeping the skin in good shape also kept those ladies and gents pretty as peacocks.
They Put What On Their Face?
Skin care definitely did not have the same meaning several hundred years ago as it does today. There were not any doctors solely devoted to skin care and preventing (and healing) any related afflictions. The doctors of that time did still try to heal all. Boils and pimples do not a pretty princess make. Likewise skin care products were very different in composition, appearance, and certainly in packaging.
Some ancient civilizations incorporated many commonplace natural ingredients into their own version of skin care products: witch hazel, rose hip seed oil, aloe vera, beeswax, and chamomile to name a few. Most of those ingredients can be found underneath your bathroom sink and even in your kitchen. Although you may want to do a little research before you just start rubbing yourself down with everything at once. That would be an interesting rash to explain to your family doctor.
Fast Forward To This Century
It is very interesting to see how these older cultures and societies approached skin care in their day. It is said that ancient Greek athletes would apply olive oil and fine sand to protect their skin from being sunburned. That must have made for one grimy shower after the race. Aren’t you glad you have Banana Boat and Coppertone? Who likes that whole “sand in the shorts†feeling anyway?
The allure of natural skin care products is finally taking hold in the modern era, with many of the popular skin care companies making the switch and turning back to Mother Nature for their ingredients. There are also those companies, like CollageneLife Intl that chose from the beginning to only use natural herbs, plants, and other components in making their innovative and very unique skin care products.
CollageneLife Intl believes that the answers to incredible skin care and reversing the aging process lies beneath the surface, as in all the way down to the cells themselves. Their Natural Collagen skin care line and the “first of its kind†collagen capsules Colvita are designed to heal the skin at the cellular level first, and the smoother skin will follow. Their newer natural skin care products from the Beauty of Life line are creams and mud masks made from the exotic and rare minerals found in the Dead Sea. CollageneLife Intl is making waves and stirring excitement with their all natural skin care products.
Getting Top Discount Women's Perfume at a Price Less Than $30
It is possible to find a good quality discount women's perfume. People may crack jokes about cheap perfume, but there are some real finds out there. So, keep reading for a list of some of the best perfumes under $30.
Stetson by Stetson
Yes, Stetson is a man's cologne and not a women's perfume, but this scent may actually be the best discount fragrance for under $30 a woman can buy. It may be marketed for men, but this scent comes with top notes of lime, bergamot, lemon and lavender. In its mix are patchouli and jasmine with a base of tonka and amber.
For less than $10 a bottle, it's both refreshing, but also deep - offering up vanilla tones and lemon high notes with every inhale. However, it doesn't remain for long. Like many cheap perfumes, this one only lasts about 30 minutes on skin, though the smell will linger when sprayed on clothing.
Maurer & Wirtz Tabac Original Fragrance
The Tabac original fragrance was first launched as a soap in 1938 by the German company Maurer & Wirtz. Almost 20 years later, Tabac Original was on the store shelves as a cologne. The product is comparable to a European Old Spice in both the way it is marketed and stocked on store shelves. It typically sells for less than $20 a bottle.
Despite its low cost and poor packaging, Tabac is a scent that both lingers and changes. The first notes are bold with scents of lavender, sandalwood, carnation, oak wood, bergamot and black pepper. And yet, it's still clean and fresh. That may be the aldehydes coming through. And though it's a discount brand, Tabac wins top points for being long-lasting. The fragrance will stay for hours, lingering as a touch of cloves and vanilla musk.
Soft Touch by Avon
In the early-to-mid nineties, there was a massive influx of discount women's perfume with names like Baby Soft or Soft Breath that simply stank of cheap baby powder mixed with even cheaper perfume. Soft Touch was the exception, and there's a reason this $15 a bottle perfume is still popular today. The baby powder scent is actually inviting, while the floral notes are uplifting. It's also long-lasting, staying on the skin for about three to four hours.
Philosophy Cosmetic's Amazing Grace
At only $25 a bottle, Amazing Grace is a steal. The product was launched by Philosophy cosmetics and was so popular, it quickly expanded into a whole line of body washes, powders, creams and more. Customers couldn't get enough of this beautiful scent, and for good reason.
Amazing Grace smells clean, which is probably the best way to describe it. It doesn't smell like rubbing alcohol or bleach clean, just clean - like fresh sheets. The notes are there, but they're never overpowering, making this a wonderful discount women's perfume for everyday wear.
Every woman wants to carry a great scent and do so without breaking the bank. Finding a terrific perfume at a low price takes a bit of effort, but the rewards can be sweet for those who make the time.
Stetson by Stetson
Yes, Stetson is a man's cologne and not a women's perfume, but this scent may actually be the best discount fragrance for under $30 a woman can buy. It may be marketed for men, but this scent comes with top notes of lime, bergamot, lemon and lavender. In its mix are patchouli and jasmine with a base of tonka and amber.
For less than $10 a bottle, it's both refreshing, but also deep - offering up vanilla tones and lemon high notes with every inhale. However, it doesn't remain for long. Like many cheap perfumes, this one only lasts about 30 minutes on skin, though the smell will linger when sprayed on clothing.
Maurer & Wirtz Tabac Original Fragrance
The Tabac original fragrance was first launched as a soap in 1938 by the German company Maurer & Wirtz. Almost 20 years later, Tabac Original was on the store shelves as a cologne. The product is comparable to a European Old Spice in both the way it is marketed and stocked on store shelves. It typically sells for less than $20 a bottle.
Despite its low cost and poor packaging, Tabac is a scent that both lingers and changes. The first notes are bold with scents of lavender, sandalwood, carnation, oak wood, bergamot and black pepper. And yet, it's still clean and fresh. That may be the aldehydes coming through. And though it's a discount brand, Tabac wins top points for being long-lasting. The fragrance will stay for hours, lingering as a touch of cloves and vanilla musk.
Soft Touch by Avon
In the early-to-mid nineties, there was a massive influx of discount women's perfume with names like Baby Soft or Soft Breath that simply stank of cheap baby powder mixed with even cheaper perfume. Soft Touch was the exception, and there's a reason this $15 a bottle perfume is still popular today. The baby powder scent is actually inviting, while the floral notes are uplifting. It's also long-lasting, staying on the skin for about three to four hours.
Philosophy Cosmetic's Amazing Grace
At only $25 a bottle, Amazing Grace is a steal. The product was launched by Philosophy cosmetics and was so popular, it quickly expanded into a whole line of body washes, powders, creams and more. Customers couldn't get enough of this beautiful scent, and for good reason.
Amazing Grace smells clean, which is probably the best way to describe it. It doesn't smell like rubbing alcohol or bleach clean, just clean - like fresh sheets. The notes are there, but they're never overpowering, making this a wonderful discount women's perfume for everyday wear.
Every woman wants to carry a great scent and do so without breaking the bank. Finding a terrific perfume at a low price takes a bit of effort, but the rewards can be sweet for those who make the time.
Girl On Girl: Hot Tips For First Time Lesbian Lovers! can't fight it any more; you've always know that you had lesbian tendencies or were, at the very least bi-curious, and now you've decided to explore, explore, EXPLORE...
First off, you've got meet Miss Right (or even Miss Right Now!) and a niche dating site like PlanetSappho is a great place to start. You arrange a date - she's just what you were hoping for...and tonight's really IS the hold on tight...
1) Making out. While making out Lesbian Move #1 can be used, namely you putting one of your legs between hers and grinding it up so that every once in a while it hits the clitoris through her pants. If done by a master of the technique (which I am not, but was done to me) climax can be acheived whilst the bottom is STILL wearing pants.
2) Clothing still on, but hands roaming around in the shirt, touching bare skin.
3) Bra removal (while shirt is still on!) **Important Note** - To mask killing the mood whilst fumbling at the catches, suck on her neck a bit so that she's not thinking about how clumsy you are.
4) LOTS of licking/ear sucking.
5) Shirt/total bra removal.
6) Kissing/licking/sucking upper chest and collarbone area. Optional: If you're a bit buff, reach behind her and like, hug her to you whilst doing this, tightish embraces at this point work fabulously.
7) NO BREASTS YET! Torso Teaser: Take your tongue and run it all the way down (roughly in a straight line between her breasts) until you get to the waistline of her pants, then kiss/lick/suck her stomach and work your way up.
8) NOW you can start in on breasts, but nipple work is last. Swirling your tongue has some fabulous facets to it, as does sucking. BDSM Option - Okay, NOT TOO HARD but just lightly enough to make it shocking, throw in a bit of a slow LIGHT bite, these are nipples here, don't be getting too hardcore with them!
9) Now we're ready for the big guns (since pretty much all of lesbian sex is foreplay, also, if she makes moves to remove bits of your clothing LET HER! Lesbian sex is all about playing switch and taking turns getting one another off. Multiple orgasms in combination with alternating tops make it last a LONG time.
10) Work your way back up and start making out again, if at any time during steps 2-8 you want to break and make out some more, feel free to do so, these are guidelines, not play by play scenarios, sex is a freestyle sport. Also, taking a breast (or two) in hand and kneading it (kinda like dough) is rather helpful every now and again.
11) Work on neck/ear kiss/suck/lick-ing, whilst doing so, work on the buttons of her pants, and the fly. At this point depending on HOW naked the two of you are getting, you can either go for pant/underwear removal, or just work a hand down there. **Foreplay Bonus** - BEFORE you put your hand into her pants, spend some time kneading her inner thighs (through clothes) with some open handed squeezing.
12a) Second Party Masturbation: Okay, the key here is, just think about the things you like doing to yourself during masturbation, that, and FINDING the clitoris on another person, which may take awhile. Also, don't neglect the sides of the clitoris, and for Gods' sakes don't forget to relube every once in awhile. This can be taken care of rather hotly, take your middle finger and dip down, all nerves in the vaginal canal exist in the first 1/3rd of it after the opening anyway, so unless you're hunting down the G-spot or using a strap-on depth really doesn't matter all that much. Single finger penetration at this point, HOT! After you've gotten more lubrication, go back up and continue clitoral stimulation. Your hand is probably going to get excruciatingly tired, BUT KEEP GOING! Because you're probably going to have to speed up the tempo once your partner starts nearing climax, and that hurts like a bitch, but the payoff is worth it.
12b) Going Downtown: This requires total pant removal, to remove the awkwardness from the situation (ie, her pants/underwear are PROBABLY going to get stuck at some point) spend time, when something goes awry, kissing any available skin to make your partner feel sexy and not ridiculous because her pants are stuck. Okay, at this point, Pants/Underwear Are Now Off: There it is, in all of it's furred glory. Note: To make it easier on your partner you should really trim your bush down to a rather manageable size, because the last thing ANYONE wants to do is floss with your pubic hair, and yes, this DOES HAPPEN so be forewarned. Right, now we're working on foreplay-ish things, because that's what the majority of lesbian sex is (when considered by the hetero-realm), foreplay. So kiss/suck/lick her inner thighs, because they're highly sensitive, and if you're absolutely totally lost down there and can't even figure out WHERE the vaginal opening is (much less the clitoris) take ONE finger (depending on how totally gay your partner is, you may only be able to use one finger at ALL during all of this, some women are tighter than others) and do slow penetration again, and then drag it up her inner labial lips until you hit the clit, then you've found your treasure map X. Take your tongue and do the exact same thing you did with your finger, only you don't have to pull off penetration, just the slow upward stroke TO BE CONTINUED!
First off, you've got meet Miss Right (or even Miss Right Now!) and a niche dating site like PlanetSappho is a great place to start. You arrange a date - she's just what you were hoping for...and tonight's really IS the hold on tight...
1) Making out. While making out Lesbian Move #1 can be used, namely you putting one of your legs between hers and grinding it up so that every once in a while it hits the clitoris through her pants. If done by a master of the technique (which I am not, but was done to me) climax can be acheived whilst the bottom is STILL wearing pants.
2) Clothing still on, but hands roaming around in the shirt, touching bare skin.
3) Bra removal (while shirt is still on!) **Important Note** - To mask killing the mood whilst fumbling at the catches, suck on her neck a bit so that she's not thinking about how clumsy you are.
4) LOTS of licking/ear sucking.
5) Shirt/total bra removal.
6) Kissing/licking/sucking upper chest and collarbone area. Optional: If you're a bit buff, reach behind her and like, hug her to you whilst doing this, tightish embraces at this point work fabulously.
7) NO BREASTS YET! Torso Teaser: Take your tongue and run it all the way down (roughly in a straight line between her breasts) until you get to the waistline of her pants, then kiss/lick/suck her stomach and work your way up.
8) NOW you can start in on breasts, but nipple work is last. Swirling your tongue has some fabulous facets to it, as does sucking. BDSM Option - Okay, NOT TOO HARD but just lightly enough to make it shocking, throw in a bit of a slow LIGHT bite, these are nipples here, don't be getting too hardcore with them!
9) Now we're ready for the big guns (since pretty much all of lesbian sex is foreplay, also, if she makes moves to remove bits of your clothing LET HER! Lesbian sex is all about playing switch and taking turns getting one another off. Multiple orgasms in combination with alternating tops make it last a LONG time.
10) Work your way back up and start making out again, if at any time during steps 2-8 you want to break and make out some more, feel free to do so, these are guidelines, not play by play scenarios, sex is a freestyle sport. Also, taking a breast (or two) in hand and kneading it (kinda like dough) is rather helpful every now and again.
11) Work on neck/ear kiss/suck/lick-ing, whilst doing so, work on the buttons of her pants, and the fly. At this point depending on HOW naked the two of you are getting, you can either go for pant/underwear removal, or just work a hand down there. **Foreplay Bonus** - BEFORE you put your hand into her pants, spend some time kneading her inner thighs (through clothes) with some open handed squeezing.
12a) Second Party Masturbation: Okay, the key here is, just think about the things you like doing to yourself during masturbation, that, and FINDING the clitoris on another person, which may take awhile. Also, don't neglect the sides of the clitoris, and for Gods' sakes don't forget to relube every once in awhile. This can be taken care of rather hotly, take your middle finger and dip down, all nerves in the vaginal canal exist in the first 1/3rd of it after the opening anyway, so unless you're hunting down the G-spot or using a strap-on depth really doesn't matter all that much. Single finger penetration at this point, HOT! After you've gotten more lubrication, go back up and continue clitoral stimulation. Your hand is probably going to get excruciatingly tired, BUT KEEP GOING! Because you're probably going to have to speed up the tempo once your partner starts nearing climax, and that hurts like a bitch, but the payoff is worth it.
12b) Going Downtown: This requires total pant removal, to remove the awkwardness from the situation (ie, her pants/underwear are PROBABLY going to get stuck at some point) spend time, when something goes awry, kissing any available skin to make your partner feel sexy and not ridiculous because her pants are stuck. Okay, at this point, Pants/Underwear Are Now Off: There it is, in all of it's furred glory. Note: To make it easier on your partner you should really trim your bush down to a rather manageable size, because the last thing ANYONE wants to do is floss with your pubic hair, and yes, this DOES HAPPEN so be forewarned. Right, now we're working on foreplay-ish things, because that's what the majority of lesbian sex is (when considered by the hetero-realm), foreplay. So kiss/suck/lick her inner thighs, because they're highly sensitive, and if you're absolutely totally lost down there and can't even figure out WHERE the vaginal opening is (much less the clitoris) take ONE finger (depending on how totally gay your partner is, you may only be able to use one finger at ALL during all of this, some women are tighter than others) and do slow penetration again, and then drag it up her inner labial lips until you hit the clit, then you've found your treasure map X. Take your tongue and do the exact same thing you did with your finger, only you don't have to pull off penetration, just the slow upward stroke TO BE CONTINUED!
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Absolute Dating-How to Attract Women Instantly!
If you are greatly interested and hoping to find ways how to catch the attention of gorgeous women in order for you to experience the one of a kind absolute dating experience, then you might want to join "Women Hunters Club". First and foremost, no such club exists; however, there are so many tricks that you can apply when it comes to searching for that elusive dream woman of your life that will lead you to a more advantageous ways.
One of the best and proven ways of absolute dating techniques is you should remember that women when it comes to looks, they want someone who is clean, smells good - in other words, a presentable man. Believe me guys; no woman will ever look your way if you are not properly dressed. After all, appearance and physical attributes are the first things that she will notice in you; traits that will eventually pull her towards you. While personality is also important when it comes to attracting women, the truth is they will not be able to see it if she is sitting away from you. When you appear good, in a way, you also feel good which a good thing because your confidence level will automatically boost up. And when you feel confident, there is a 100% chance that you are on your way to getting the girl for your absolute dating escapade.
The next big problem that you have to face is the way how you stay and keep confident in order for you to handle yourself in front of her without trying so hard because she will definitely know that you are just faking it. Being true to yourself and not too insistent are one of the absolute dating steps that you should practice very carefully. This may be one of the oldest clichés that you could ever find in almost all dating books, but hey, this really works! This is probably the reason why this cliché still exists today. There is no sense pretending to be someone who you are not because your true personality will definitely come out sooner or later, so it would be better to show who you are early on.
Attracting the right woman requires a bit of your time and exertion of some effort on your part especially if you are on the hunt for that special one that you can be able to get to your absolute dating dreams. Here are some of the additional tips that you can do to attract women in order for you to have an absolute dating experience. When you are talking to her, do not be too self-obsessed; listen to her and ask questions about her because when you do this, it means that you are really interested in her. Most women, just like men, also want to have that wonderful and once and a lifetime absolute dating experience that's why they too go out and hunt for men. Women usually look for a man who has some wisdom inside him. So if you want to appear like someone who possesses solomonic astuteness, leave your greying hair alone and do not pluck them out.
One of the best and proven ways of absolute dating techniques is you should remember that women when it comes to looks, they want someone who is clean, smells good - in other words, a presentable man. Believe me guys; no woman will ever look your way if you are not properly dressed. After all, appearance and physical attributes are the first things that she will notice in you; traits that will eventually pull her towards you. While personality is also important when it comes to attracting women, the truth is they will not be able to see it if she is sitting away from you. When you appear good, in a way, you also feel good which a good thing because your confidence level will automatically boost up. And when you feel confident, there is a 100% chance that you are on your way to getting the girl for your absolute dating escapade.
The next big problem that you have to face is the way how you stay and keep confident in order for you to handle yourself in front of her without trying so hard because she will definitely know that you are just faking it. Being true to yourself and not too insistent are one of the absolute dating steps that you should practice very carefully. This may be one of the oldest clichés that you could ever find in almost all dating books, but hey, this really works! This is probably the reason why this cliché still exists today. There is no sense pretending to be someone who you are not because your true personality will definitely come out sooner or later, so it would be better to show who you are early on.
Attracting the right woman requires a bit of your time and exertion of some effort on your part especially if you are on the hunt for that special one that you can be able to get to your absolute dating dreams. Here are some of the additional tips that you can do to attract women in order for you to have an absolute dating experience. When you are talking to her, do not be too self-obsessed; listen to her and ask questions about her because when you do this, it means that you are really interested in her. Most women, just like men, also want to have that wonderful and once and a lifetime absolute dating experience that's why they too go out and hunt for men. Women usually look for a man who has some wisdom inside him. So if you want to appear like someone who possesses solomonic astuteness, leave your greying hair alone and do not pluck them out.
Natural Solutions for Infertility
The first "test tube" baby turned thirty this year, marking three decades of babies conceived using in vitro fertilization (IVF). Experts are still arguing the level of risk associated with the procedure, some taking the stance that there are grave risks for both mother and child, others that the dangers are overstated. Regardless of who is right, most women want to conceive naturally, without fertility drugs or IVF.
Conception through IVF increases the likeliness of having twins, which may double the joy or double the woes. IVF may also cause serious side-effects like ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb), ovarian hyperstimulation (OHSS), and the possibility of increased risk for ovarian cancer. And at about $12,000 per cycle, IVF carries a financial risk as well: there is no guarantee you will become pregnant. Before IVF is considered, fertility drugs are usually the first line used in reproductive therapy. Clomid is one of the most popular fertility drugs prescribed. It works by stimulating ovary follicles to encourage ovulation. Side-effects can include: mood swings, hot flashes, headaches, and again, there is no guarantee you will become pregnant. In fact, it's more likely that while taking Clomid that you will not become pregnant than that you will become pregnant. In clinical studies published by the FDA, only about 30% of women conceived while taking Clomid.
One of the leading causes of infertility is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS may take the form of numerous symptoms, which vary from woman to woman: weight gain, irregular periods, thinning hair, excessive hair growth on the face and body, acne, depression and anxiety. If you feel you may be suffering from PCOS take this self-test.
PCOS is caused by a reversible condition known as Insulin Resistance. When Insulin Resistance is reversed natural conception may be achieved. Amy Medling first went the route of Clomid and intrauterine insemination and did have two children. Years later, once she started to treat her insulin resistance, Amy became pregnant without fertility drugs or intrauterine insemination:
"I have PCOS and have struggled in the past to get pregnant. After visiting a fertility specialist who prescribed 50mg of clomid and monitored the cycle via ultrasound and then intrauterine insemination, I had success. I am now a proud mom of two boys ages 8 and 5 years old.
This spring I was shocked to find out that I am expecting again in January - without any fertility treatments!
However my lifestyle has changed since having my first two children. I have been using the Insulite PCOS System for two years, exercising everyday, and to ease my PCOS symptoms I have been on a gluten/wheat free, sugar free and dairy free diet. I think that my body was in such a healthy state that I became pregnant.
If you are trying to get pregnant I strongly suggest following the Insulite System. I would also follow Dr. Nancy Dunne's PCOS Diet outlined in her book "The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility."
Amy Medling Nashua, NH
Insulite Labs has helped many women reverse the symptoms of PCOS and conceive naturally, when nothing else seemed to work. Fertility is not the only positive affect of treating PCOS by reversing Insulin Resistance. Many women also find they have more energy and lose weight:
"After everything I had read I never thought we could conceive naturally, and am absolutely stunned, amazed, and blessed to have conceived after being on the Insulite System for only two months. I had already noticed a healthier level of energy and a huge decrease of sugar cravings having been on the system for about a month, but to actually be pregnant with no medical or pharmaceutical intervention, such as Clomid is truly awesome. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to have experienced the incredible benefits of these supplements. I hope other women achieve such beautiful results on the system also. I really don't know how to say thank you!"
Conception through IVF increases the likeliness of having twins, which may double the joy or double the woes. IVF may also cause serious side-effects like ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the womb), ovarian hyperstimulation (OHSS), and the possibility of increased risk for ovarian cancer. And at about $12,000 per cycle, IVF carries a financial risk as well: there is no guarantee you will become pregnant. Before IVF is considered, fertility drugs are usually the first line used in reproductive therapy. Clomid is one of the most popular fertility drugs prescribed. It works by stimulating ovary follicles to encourage ovulation. Side-effects can include: mood swings, hot flashes, headaches, and again, there is no guarantee you will become pregnant. In fact, it's more likely that while taking Clomid that you will not become pregnant than that you will become pregnant. In clinical studies published by the FDA, only about 30% of women conceived while taking Clomid.
One of the leading causes of infertility is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS may take the form of numerous symptoms, which vary from woman to woman: weight gain, irregular periods, thinning hair, excessive hair growth on the face and body, acne, depression and anxiety. If you feel you may be suffering from PCOS take this self-test.
PCOS is caused by a reversible condition known as Insulin Resistance. When Insulin Resistance is reversed natural conception may be achieved. Amy Medling first went the route of Clomid and intrauterine insemination and did have two children. Years later, once she started to treat her insulin resistance, Amy became pregnant without fertility drugs or intrauterine insemination:
"I have PCOS and have struggled in the past to get pregnant. After visiting a fertility specialist who prescribed 50mg of clomid and monitored the cycle via ultrasound and then intrauterine insemination, I had success. I am now a proud mom of two boys ages 8 and 5 years old.
This spring I was shocked to find out that I am expecting again in January - without any fertility treatments!
However my lifestyle has changed since having my first two children. I have been using the Insulite PCOS System for two years, exercising everyday, and to ease my PCOS symptoms I have been on a gluten/wheat free, sugar free and dairy free diet. I think that my body was in such a healthy state that I became pregnant.
If you are trying to get pregnant I strongly suggest following the Insulite System. I would also follow Dr. Nancy Dunne's PCOS Diet outlined in her book "The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility."
Amy Medling Nashua, NH
Insulite Labs has helped many women reverse the symptoms of PCOS and conceive naturally, when nothing else seemed to work. Fertility is not the only positive affect of treating PCOS by reversing Insulin Resistance. Many women also find they have more energy and lose weight:
"After everything I had read I never thought we could conceive naturally, and am absolutely stunned, amazed, and blessed to have conceived after being on the Insulite System for only two months. I had already noticed a healthier level of energy and a huge decrease of sugar cravings having been on the system for about a month, but to actually be pregnant with no medical or pharmaceutical intervention, such as Clomid is truly awesome. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to have experienced the incredible benefits of these supplements. I hope other women achieve such beautiful results on the system also. I really don't know how to say thank you!"
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Finding Hair And Makeup For Girls Teens
Styling one's hair and makeup application are daily rituals that women learn early in their life. However, if one does not get the right guidance in this delicate area, then they can be left out of inner circles during the impressionable teenage years.
Looks are everything when one is a teen, and being in the "in" crowd can be helped if one has the right look. In order for a parent to help a teen girl fit in, they can learn all they need to know by researching health beauty products on the internet.
One of the first places that a parent can visit to learn what is hip on the beauty makeup scene of teenagers is the Seventeen magazine website. One can learn about various cosmetics skin care that are on the market to help with blemishes and which eye shadow colors look best with a particular skin tone. This is also a safe site that teens can go to in order to learn more
about themselves and their options when it comes to makeup and hair.
One of the best things that parents can offer their teens to help with their hair and makeup and keep them educated is books. A great book that has an awesome website for teens and their parents is Teen2Queen.
The website is packed with fun ideas on how to deal with everything from a bad hair day to how to whiten teeth with a homemade recipe for a tooth whitener. This is a fun website for girls and moms to visit and be girlie together.
A woman's hair is her crowning glory. By finding the right approach to hair and makeup, a parent can help their teen to develop good grooming habits and a "less is more" approach to wearing makeup.
However, if a parent does not get involved, one can find their daughter learning how to apply goth makeup that will make them seem freakish. Being a hip parent has come to a new level thanks in part to great websites that are devoted to helping teens with their hair makeup and helping parents learn how to cope with their teen's taste.
Looks are everything when one is a teen, and being in the "in" crowd can be helped if one has the right look. In order for a parent to help a teen girl fit in, they can learn all they need to know by researching health beauty products on the internet.
One of the first places that a parent can visit to learn what is hip on the beauty makeup scene of teenagers is the Seventeen magazine website. One can learn about various cosmetics skin care that are on the market to help with blemishes and which eye shadow colors look best with a particular skin tone. This is also a safe site that teens can go to in order to learn more
One of the best things that parents can offer their teens to help with their hair and makeup and keep them educated is books. A great book that has an awesome website for teens and their parents is Teen2Queen.
The website is packed with fun ideas on how to deal with everything from a bad hair day to how to whiten teeth with a homemade recipe for a tooth whitener. This is a fun website for girls and moms to visit and be girlie together.
A woman's hair is her crowning glory. By finding the right approach to hair and makeup, a parent can help their teen to develop good grooming habits and a "less is more" approach to wearing makeup.
However, if a parent does not get involved, one can find their daughter learning how to apply goth makeup that will make them seem freakish. Being a hip parent has come to a new level thanks in part to great websites that are devoted to helping teens with their hair makeup and helping parents learn how to cope with their teen's taste.
American singles dating has pretty girls and beautiful women
It has been said that American singles service so popular these days. American girls and USA women are so beautiful on American dating services. There are some American dating services online these days so selecting the best American personals service is not easy. American singles online should join free American dating services in American or others to find their special American girls and American women for dating, love, and romance. If you are ready to meet that special someone online, you can check out free American dating services, where you can browse profiles of quality free American singles like
yourself for free. It takes time to find that special someone so you might consider joining more than one of these free American dating services to increase your chances to find your future American soul mate. There are some of quality free American dating sites on the Internet these days so you have to select the one that you trust at most. Seeking soul mates who are interested in you is not easy. Our mission is to provide the best free American dating service for singles who seek each other online. Most people place their personal profile on American dating websites are to have one purpose, looking for a right single American man or single American woman for love and romance. They sometimes do not post their personal profiles on American dating services effectively.
We suggest that you visit at least some famous free American dating sites then post your profiles with photos of yourself. Search for at least 10 American singles from these free American dating sites who have the same interests as you, then contact them all. This way increases your chances to get response from two or three singles. Also, you should go back to your profile to review and update your personal ads weekly. These American dating services have newest members every minute or two so you can contact them as quickly as possible. Contact new profiles have more chances than old profiles. They try to bring you the most fun and convenient ways about American dating advice and dating tips so you can use on your own profiles.
If you are new to free American dating services, then you should pay attention to terms of service (tos) at these American dating services. Some American dating sites claim they are free but will charge you membership fee for contacting other members. Some American dating services offer 100% free to help American singles locally and around the world for relationships and marriage. You will never miss the change meeting and dating American singles of your choice and our free American dating site assures that you get the most top dating experience ever. Most American dating service does not allow under 18 years old members and this is their legal term of use their free American dating websites. Placing your personal ad now at the American dating service and you never know what or who you might find.
In conclusion, you need to at least search for some free American dating services on Google or Yahoo. You can use keywords such as free American dating, free American dating service and search on either Google or Yahoo, and go through about three pages to find the best American dating sites. Then, register your profile and start contacting other members. Good luck to you and we hope you have a good day.
So, what do you think about American singles? are you looking for a USA girl, USA guy? if yes, start joining free American dating services now. Do not wait any longer. Take action now. Find American girls and men of your dream.
We suggest that you visit at least some famous free American dating sites then post your profiles with photos of yourself. Search for at least 10 American singles from these free American dating sites who have the same interests as you, then contact them all. This way increases your chances to get response from two or three singles. Also, you should go back to your profile to review and update your personal ads weekly. These American dating services have newest members every minute or two so you can contact them as quickly as possible. Contact new profiles have more chances than old profiles. They try to bring you the most fun and convenient ways about American dating advice and dating tips so you can use on your own profiles.
If you are new to free American dating services, then you should pay attention to terms of service (tos) at these American dating services. Some American dating sites claim they are free but will charge you membership fee for contacting other members. Some American dating services offer 100% free to help American singles locally and around the world for relationships and marriage. You will never miss the change meeting and dating American singles of your choice and our free American dating site assures that you get the most top dating experience ever. Most American dating service does not allow under 18 years old members and this is their legal term of use their free American dating websites. Placing your personal ad now at the American dating service and you never know what or who you might find.
In conclusion, you need to at least search for some free American dating services on Google or Yahoo. You can use keywords such as free American dating, free American dating service and search on either Google or Yahoo, and go through about three pages to find the best American dating sites. Then, register your profile and start contacting other members. Good luck to you and we hope you have a good day.
So, what do you think about American singles? are you looking for a USA girl, USA guy? if yes, start joining free American dating services now. Do not wait any longer. Take action now. Find American girls and men of your dream.
Philippines dating girls & Filipino women for Filipina singles
There are some free Philippines dating services and pay Philippines dating sites online these days. We know that Philippines dating services are so popular these days. Philippines girls and Philippines women are the most beautiful girls on the planet. Philippines singles online should join free Philippines dating services in Philippines or others to find their special Philippines girls and Philippines women for dating, love, and romance. If you are ready to meet that special someone online, you can check out free Philippines dating services, where you can browse profiles of quality free Filipino singles like yourself for free. It takes time to find that special someone so you might consider joining more than one of these free Filipino dating services to increase your chances to find your futu
re Philippines soul mate. There are some of quality free Philippines dating sites on the Internet these days so you have to select the one that you trust at most. Seeking soul mates who are interested in you is not easy. Our mission is to provide the best free Philippines dating service for singles who seek each other online. Most people place their personal profile on Philippines dating websites are to have one purpose, looking for a right single Philippines man or single Philippines woman for love and romance. They sometimes do not post their personal profiles on Philippines dating services effectively.
We suggest that you visit at least some famous free Filipino dating sites then post your profiles with photos of yourself. Search for at least 10 Philippines singles from these free Philippines dating sites who have the same interests as you, then contact them all. This way increases your chances to get response from two or three singles. Also, you should go back to your profile to review and update your personal ads weekly. These Philippines dating services have newest members every minute or two so you can contact them as quickly as possible. Contact new profiles have more chances than old profiles. They try to bring you the most fun and convenient ways about Philippines dating advice and dating tips so you can use on your own profiles.
If you are new to free Philippines dating services, then you should pay attention to terms of service (tos) at these Philippines dating services. Some Philippines dating sites claim they are free but will charge you membership fee for contacting other members. Some Philippines dating services offer 100% free to help Philippines singles locally and around the world for relationships and marriage. You will never miss the change meeting and dating Philippines singles of your choice and our free Filipino dating site assures that you get the most top dating experience ever. Most Philippines dating service does not allow under 18 years old members and this is their legal term of use their free Philippines dating websites. Placing your personal ad now at the Philippines dating service and you never know what or who you might find.
In conclusion, you need to at least search for some free Filipino dating services on Google or Yahoo. You can use keywords such as free Philippines dating, free Philippines dating service and search on either Google or Yahoo, and go through about three pages to find the best Philippines dating sites. Then, register your profile and start contacting other members. Good luck to you and we hope you have a good day.
So, what do you think about Philippines girls? are you looking for a Asian bride, Asian wife? if yes, start joining free Asian dating services now. Do not wait any longer. Take action now. Find Philippines girls of your dream.
We suggest that you visit at least some famous free Filipino dating sites then post your profiles with photos of yourself. Search for at least 10 Philippines singles from these free Philippines dating sites who have the same interests as you, then contact them all. This way increases your chances to get response from two or three singles. Also, you should go back to your profile to review and update your personal ads weekly. These Philippines dating services have newest members every minute or two so you can contact them as quickly as possible. Contact new profiles have more chances than old profiles. They try to bring you the most fun and convenient ways about Philippines dating advice and dating tips so you can use on your own profiles.
If you are new to free Philippines dating services, then you should pay attention to terms of service (tos) at these Philippines dating services. Some Philippines dating sites claim they are free but will charge you membership fee for contacting other members. Some Philippines dating services offer 100% free to help Philippines singles locally and around the world for relationships and marriage. You will never miss the change meeting and dating Philippines singles of your choice and our free Filipino dating site assures that you get the most top dating experience ever. Most Philippines dating service does not allow under 18 years old members and this is their legal term of use their free Philippines dating websites. Placing your personal ad now at the Philippines dating service and you never know what or who you might find.
In conclusion, you need to at least search for some free Filipino dating services on Google or Yahoo. You can use keywords such as free Philippines dating, free Philippines dating service and search on either Google or Yahoo, and go through about three pages to find the best Philippines dating sites. Then, register your profile and start contacting other members. Good luck to you and we hope you have a good day.
So, what do you think about Philippines girls? are you looking for a Asian bride, Asian wife? if yes, start joining free Asian dating services now. Do not wait any longer. Take action now. Find Philippines girls of your dream.
"07 Golden" characteristics of Tokyo girls and Japanese women
We want to say the beauty of Japanese women who are beautiful and gentle, patient and respectful to the Japanese traditional custom; that is, they take a good care of their husband and children. Women in Japan respect their men or their husband from the time they know their men until falling in love, and get married, and become the wives, they always respect the love that is giving by their husbands. A Japanese woman usually does not get divorced if she has an unfaithful husband because she always try to work it out to maintain her family and raise her children.A Japanese woman usually keeps traditional family custom. They maintain and try to support their family relationship and respect their husbands as well as let their men lead the family. When you meet with A Japanese girl, you will see what I am talking about here, and will see Japanese ladies are the most pretty women on the world. In other words, Japanese women are someone who are honest, pretty, and faithful to their husbands because of their family oriented custom which you rarely find in Western women, generally. When Western guys look at the beautiful yellow skin and skinny body of most of Japanese girls, they will love them. Moreover, their faithful characteristics to their husbands and unlimited satisfaction of taking care of their children make Japanese women unique.
In other words, getting married with Japanese women are the best. Tokyo ladies from Asia countries such as Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and etc are the top. Japanese women who are currently living in the Western countries are the next best. Why Tokyo women are the top women? Because they can cook delicious dinner and there are no guilt trips for going out with the guys after getting married. They are skinny, thin, and beautiful and there are no fights between husband and wife. In fact, when a Western guy find and talk to A Japanese woman, they never want to date with Western girls again. Moreover, Tokyo ladies always keep classy, cultured, traditional values. So, they are decent wives for Western men. In fact, 7 golden characteristics of Japanese wives are:
1. Japanese girls are skinny, thin, and beautiful;Â 2. Japanese women can cook daily meals;Â 3. Japanese ladies are very family oriented;Â 4. Japanese woman enjoys her housework. 5. Japanese lady takes care of her children;Â 6. Tokyo female is very hardworking and enjoy working;Â 7. Tokyo women rarely goes out for the guys after married;
Again, I am speaking from my experience of living with my beautiful Tokyo wife. I traveled to Japanese and got married with A Japanese girl and she is perfect to me. Every day, when we get home from work, then I watch TV while she is cooking to prepare for dinner. She never asks me to buy for expensive car or big house. What I meant is, Tokyo ladies treat us better, respect us better, and love us more. In conclusion, Japanese girls are the top women to get married with.
Please let me know what your thought is!!!
I am interested in Japanese ladies who currently live in Western countries as well as Japanese countries. Therefore, I wrote lots of articles to discuss the nice things about them who are perfect to get married with for Western guys.
So, are you ready to find special Japanese girls? Do not wait. Take action now. Join these free Tokyo dating services to find that special soul mate of your dream.
In other words, getting married with Japanese women are the best. Tokyo ladies from Asia countries such as Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and etc are the top. Japanese women who are currently living in the Western countries are the next best. Why Tokyo women are the top women? Because they can cook delicious dinner and there are no guilt trips for going out with the guys after getting married. They are skinny, thin, and beautiful and there are no fights between husband and wife. In fact, when a Western guy find and talk to A Japanese woman, they never want to date with Western girls again. Moreover, Tokyo ladies always keep classy, cultured, traditional values. So, they are decent wives for Western men. In fact, 7 golden characteristics of Japanese wives are:
1. Japanese girls are skinny, thin, and beautiful;Â 2. Japanese women can cook daily meals;Â 3. Japanese ladies are very family oriented;Â 4. Japanese woman enjoys her housework. 5. Japanese lady takes care of her children;Â 6. Tokyo female is very hardworking and enjoy working;Â 7. Tokyo women rarely goes out for the guys after married;
Again, I am speaking from my experience of living with my beautiful Tokyo wife. I traveled to Japanese and got married with A Japanese girl and she is perfect to me. Every day, when we get home from work, then I watch TV while she is cooking to prepare for dinner. She never asks me to buy for expensive car or big house. What I meant is, Tokyo ladies treat us better, respect us better, and love us more. In conclusion, Japanese girls are the top women to get married with.
Please let me know what your thought is!!!
I am interested in Japanese ladies who currently live in Western countries as well as Japanese countries. Therefore, I wrote lots of articles to discuss the nice things about them who are perfect to get married with for Western guys.
So, are you ready to find special Japanese girls? Do not wait. Take action now. Join these free Tokyo dating services to find that special soul mate of your dream.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Beautiful New Baby Quilts You Will Love
New baby quilts and sets for baby cribs are something that you really can't have to many of as a new parent. The amount of traveling we do now and our busy schedules it is usually a good idea to have at least 3-5 new baby quilts and cribs sets. Don't forget to have a couple of extras for Grandma's house too, you don't want to have to bag a set and take every visit do you.
Here is a nice quilt that is called A Girl's Best Friend Crib Bedding Quilt. You can also buy it in a set and you know what that is, the quilt is covered in diamonds and has some little flowers and stripes on the bedding which are cute. It is just perfect for your little girl. It features cream, green, yellow, pink, or blue floral and striped diamond quilt. It is a really nice looking set. You got to ch
eck it out. It is 100% cotton, machine washable and it is a very nice set. You know girls are going to love it. Girls love their diamonds!!
Another wonderful thing about baby quilts is they come in such nice different designs. You have the full pink color, the blue circle color, Starry Night, the plaid, transportation cribs designs, and Honey I Shrunk the Doll Dresses bedding. You look around and there is a lot of great places on-line that you can purchase some new baby quilts at excellent prices. A lot of them offer free shipping and always running discounts and coupons. A lot of times I choose to look on-line at different places instead of just running down to the retail store or something like that. It can actually save you time and gas as well as money.
Here is a nice quilt that is called A Girl's Best Friend Crib Bedding Quilt. You can also buy it in a set and you know what that is, the quilt is covered in diamonds and has some little flowers and stripes on the bedding which are cute. It is just perfect for your little girl. It features cream, green, yellow, pink, or blue floral and striped diamond quilt. It is a really nice looking set. You got to ch
Another wonderful thing about baby quilts is they come in such nice different designs. You have the full pink color, the blue circle color, Starry Night, the plaid, transportation cribs designs, and Honey I Shrunk the Doll Dresses bedding. You look around and there is a lot of great places on-line that you can purchase some new baby quilts at excellent prices. A lot of them offer free shipping and always running discounts and coupons. A lot of times I choose to look on-line at different places instead of just running down to the retail store or something like that. It can actually save you time and gas as well as money.
The World's Most Beautiful Beaches
A vacation spent on a white sandy beach, looking out on warm turquoise waters, is many people's idea of a dream getaway. Swaying palms and warm waters form part of most people's dream holiday. Every continent in the world boasts some breathtakingly beautiful beaches; and this article will highlight a few.
The Hawaiian Islands in the United States have some of the most magnificent and enchanting beaches that to welcome visitors year-round. Kauai is an example of the perfect getaway, with its tropical temperatures, romantic vibe, and tranquil atmosphere. It is a lush and green paradise which is thankfully, not overly developed. Kauai may be the perfect destination if you are looking for a place which is not too populated.
While on Kauai, be sure to visit Poipu Beach if you want a little more activity. There are water sports to attract every member of the family. Snorkelling is particularly popular here due to the clear, warm waters. Hundreds of species of tropical fish in all colours are a common sight in this area.
South Beach , Florida is another excellent beach vacation destination. Since allows topless sunbathing, it isn't considered a family beach. It is popular with adults, however. The beach, which stretches for miles, is entirely manmade and the warm, tropical water is very clean. Actually, more visitors are attracted by the down home art deco culture, intermixed with the stunning natural scenery. You will also find numerous martini bars and live Latin music for your listening and dancing pleasure.
Our next stop is Ipanema Beach in Brazil . It became famous during the 60s with the popularity of the song 'Girl From Ipanema'. It is situated in Rio de Janeiro , noted for its festivity, and filled with beautiful men and women, wearing little clothing. If this kind of atmosphere attracts you, then this is one of the best places on earth to enjoy it. You will find miles of white, sandy beaches to spend your happy vacation days in the sun, watching the beautiful people. Not as serene as some beach getaways, but definitely a fabulous experience.
Long Beach in Tofino British Columbia is testament to the fact that beautiful beaches do exist in Canada . Long Beach is simply breathtaking. The shore is perfect for surfing and taking long walks. Tidal pools full of interesting sea life such as starfish beckon you to dip your fingers in. Tofino itself is full of eccentric locals and is a charmingly quaint fishing town that will leave an impression.
Next on the list of must-mentions is the French Riviera, home to St. Tropez. It's now one of the most popular places for a European vacation, although it used to be known as a secret escape for famous movie stars. This area attracts those with an appetite for luxury, there is no secret about it. Cannes , home to one of the world's most famous film festivals, is located nearby. The ocean water is bright blue and if you tire of sunning on the beach, find a table at one of the beachfront bistros, sit back, and watch gorgeous people go past.
Beaches have always been a popular destination for holiday-makers. Lapping waters and sandy beaches provide a relaxed haven for the jaded vacationer eager to get away from the hustle and bustle of towns and cities. Choices are endless, and include Mexico , Caribbean, Costa Rica , Bali, and Australia . You can be one of the many who visit exotic beaches every year, and learn for yourself exactly why they are so popular.
The Hawaiian Islands in the United States have some of the most magnificent and enchanting beaches that to welcome visitors year-round. Kauai is an example of the perfect getaway, with its tropical temperatures, romantic vibe, and tranquil atmosphere. It is a lush and green paradise which is thankfully, not overly developed. Kauai may be the perfect destination if you are looking for a place which is not too populated.
While on Kauai, be sure to visit Poipu Beach if you want a little more activity. There are water sports to attract every member of the family. Snorkelling is particularly popular here due to the clear, warm waters. Hundreds of species of tropical fish in all colours are a common sight in this area.
South Beach , Florida is another excellent beach vacation destination. Since allows topless sunbathing, it isn't considered a family beach. It is popular with adults, however. The beach, which stretches for miles, is entirely manmade and the warm, tropical water is very clean. Actually, more visitors are attracted by the down home art deco culture, intermixed with the stunning natural scenery. You will also find numerous martini bars and live Latin music for your listening and dancing pleasure.
Our next stop is Ipanema Beach in Brazil . It became famous during the 60s with the popularity of the song 'Girl From Ipanema'. It is situated in Rio de Janeiro , noted for its festivity, and filled with beautiful men and women, wearing little clothing. If this kind of atmosphere attracts you, then this is one of the best places on earth to enjoy it. You will find miles of white, sandy beaches to spend your happy vacation days in the sun, watching the beautiful people. Not as serene as some beach getaways, but definitely a fabulous experience.
Long Beach in Tofino British Columbia is testament to the fact that beautiful beaches do exist in Canada . Long Beach is simply breathtaking. The shore is perfect for surfing and taking long walks. Tidal pools full of interesting sea life such as starfish beckon you to dip your fingers in. Tofino itself is full of eccentric locals and is a charmingly quaint fishing town that will leave an impression.
Next on the list of must-mentions is the French Riviera, home to St. Tropez. It's now one of the most popular places for a European vacation, although it used to be known as a secret escape for famous movie stars. This area attracts those with an appetite for luxury, there is no secret about it. Cannes , home to one of the world's most famous film festivals, is located nearby. The ocean water is bright blue and if you tire of sunning on the beach, find a table at one of the beachfront bistros, sit back, and watch gorgeous people go past.
Beaches have always been a popular destination for holiday-makers. Lapping waters and sandy beaches provide a relaxed haven for the jaded vacationer eager to get away from the hustle and bustle of towns and cities. Choices are endless, and include Mexico , Caribbean, Costa Rica , Bali, and Australia . You can be one of the many who visit exotic beaches every year, and learn for yourself exactly why they are so popular.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Top miss Universe
This year's Miss Universe Beauty Pageant is one of the toughest so far. The fact that almost all 80 delegates is equally stunning, there's a lot of mini-competitions that's being held before the finals set on July 13th. Meaning, the judges has a lot of opportunities to study the delegates prior to the preliminary competition. So, here are the top favorites that stood out so far:
Miss Venezuela (Dayana Mendoza)The fact that she's wearing the Venezuela sash, this lady has an oozing sex appeal, nice personality, always energetic specially on stage. And one of the best catwalk skills. Plus, facially beautiful and sexy body. She has proven to be the girl on top and won the second sub-contest, the Ao Dai Fashion Show.
Miss USA (Crystle Stewart)Although this lady is not so facially beautiful, I've said that because many people specially pageant fans has argue about her winning the Miss USA title this year, Crystle has an amazing body and very sophisticated catwalk. She's also considered a pageant veteran. And specially stood out is her strong personality.
Miss Puerto Rico (Ingrid Marie Rivera)Ingrid is one of the early favorites this year. She has made headlines all over after winning the Miss Puerto Rico Universe beauty contest, about the pepper spray scandal. She's also one of the favorites during the Miss World 2005 pageant.Miss Korea (Sun Lee)Sun Lee is one of Asia's frontrunner. Has an sweet but fierce personality, specially on stage. Many have said that Sun will follow the footsteps of last year's Miss Korea, Honey Lee who finished as 3rd runner-up.
Miss Kazakhstan (Alfina Nassyrova)Many are surprised that this girl from a country not known to be a "pageant crazy" country is making a statement in this year's competition. She's always been one of the favorites of the press, always posing and looking good at the cameras. She also stood out at the Ao Dai Fashion Show and Vinpearl Swimwear Competition.Miss India (Simran Kaur)It's not a surprise that India will do good this year. As most Miss India has proven in the past pageants, Simran continued the "tradition". She has been consistent in every sub-contest that held. She's one of the top 10 best in national costume, one of the top 5 in Ao Dai Fashion Show, and one of the finalists in the Vinpearl Swimsuit Competition. Its for sure Simran will go great in the preliminary competition.
Miss South Africa (Tansey Coetzee)Standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall, this lady from the rainbow nation is one of Africa's frontrunners. Beautiful in photos, and has a fierce, model-like catwalk skills. It wouldn't be a surprise that she will enter the semi-finals.
Miss Venezuela (Dayana Mendoza)The fact that she's wearing the Venezuela sash, this lady has an oozing sex appeal, nice personality, always energetic specially on stage. And one of the best catwalk skills. Plus, facially beautiful and sexy body. She has proven to be the girl on top and won the second sub-contest, the Ao Dai Fashion Show.
Miss USA (Crystle Stewart)Although this lady is not so facially beautiful, I've said that because many people specially pageant fans has argue about her winning the Miss USA title this year, Crystle has an amazing body and very sophisticated catwalk. She's also considered a pageant veteran. And specially stood out is her strong personality.
Miss Puerto Rico (Ingrid Marie Rivera)Ingrid is one of the early favorites this year. She has made headlines all over after winning the Miss Puerto Rico Universe beauty contest, about the pepper spray scandal. She's also one of the favorites during the Miss World 2005 pageant.Miss Korea (Sun Lee)Sun Lee is one of Asia's frontrunner. Has an sweet but fierce personality, specially on stage. Many have said that Sun will follow the footsteps of last year's Miss Korea, Honey Lee who finished as 3rd runner-up.
Miss Kazakhstan (Alfina Nassyrova)Many are surprised that this girl from a country not known to be a "pageant crazy" country is making a statement in this year's competition. She's always been one of the favorites of the press, always posing and looking good at the cameras. She also stood out at the Ao Dai Fashion Show and Vinpearl Swimwear Competition.Miss India (Simran Kaur)It's not a surprise that India will do good this year. As most Miss India has proven in the past pageants, Simran continued the "tradition". She has been consistent in every sub-contest that held. She's one of the top 10 best in national costume, one of the top 5 in Ao Dai Fashion Show, and one of the finalists in the Vinpearl Swimsuit Competition. Its for sure Simran will go great in the preliminary competition.
Miss South Africa (Tansey Coetzee)Standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall, this lady from the rainbow nation is one of Africa's frontrunners. Beautiful in photos, and has a fierce, model-like catwalk skills. It wouldn't be a surprise that she will enter the semi-finals.
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Morning Monday, the entire world gets a new Queen of Miss Universe 2008
The rehearsal coronation program of Miss Universe 2008 was taken place at the Crown Convention Center - Diamond Bay, Khanh Hoa province in the evening of July 13th, 13 hours before the official coronation in the morning of July 14 2008.
Opening the program, 80 Miss Universe contestants appeared on the stage together with the famous singer Mel B – British Spices Girls band who was in the very attractive black dress. Her first saying was Hello Vietnam in Vietnamese language which received a lot of big hands of more than 6,000 local and foreign audiences. Suddenly, Jerry Springer rode an electric bike while waving hands with the same saying that made the hall so excited.
Two speakers read the fake list of 15 candidates for the next round. Singer Lady Gaga sang the song Just Dance with the swimming costumes pageant of 80 contestants that made the hall seething. Speakers read the fake list of 15 candidates who appeared respectively on the stage in swimming costumes. The imitation stream made all people seem to dance with the nature. As he was so busy, Australian singer Kylie Minogue failed to come to Vietnam for the coronation ceremony. Fortunately, a famous American singer Janet Jackson appeared on the stage.
Although it was a rehearsal program for the coronation, audiences were very happy with all the works done by contestants, directors and working teams. There were a lot of supporters to Miss Vietnam Thuy Lam with big hands and flowers as she appeared on the stage.
The swimming costume pageant and the song Just Dance finished, two speakers announced the fake list of 10 candidates for the next round, then Friendly award, the most beautiful traditional costumes and the list of 5 candidates for the interviews. Each candidate will lucky draw for interview and she has 10 minutes for answers.
Opening the program, 80 Miss Universe contestants appeared on the stage together with the famous singer Mel B – British Spices Girls band who was in the very attractive black dress. Her first saying was Hello Vietnam in Vietnamese language which received a lot of big hands of more than 6,000 local and foreign audiences. Suddenly, Jerry Springer rode an electric bike while waving hands with the same saying that made the hall so excited.
Two speakers read the fake list of 15 candidates for the next round. Singer Lady Gaga sang the song Just Dance with the swimming costumes pageant of 80 contestants that made the hall seething. Speakers read the fake list of 15 candidates who appeared respectively on the stage in swimming costumes. The imitation stream made all people seem to dance with the nature. As he was so busy, Australian singer Kylie Minogue failed to come to Vietnam for the coronation ceremony. Fortunately, a famous American singer Janet Jackson appeared on the stage.
Although it was a rehearsal program for the coronation, audiences were very happy with all the works done by contestants, directors and working teams. There were a lot of supporters to Miss Vietnam Thuy Lam with big hands and flowers as she appeared on the stage.
The swimming costume pageant and the song Just Dance finished, two speakers announced the fake list of 10 candidates for the next round, then Friendly award, the most beautiful traditional costumes and the list of 5 candidates for the interviews. Each candidate will lucky draw for interview and she has 10 minutes for answers.

Highly qualified profession in decorating the stage, American Director Glenn Weiss made almost audiences happy with the 8x20 meter-led screen on which a lot of beautiful landscapes of Vietnam country were displayed with the combination of bamboo, wooden-carved designs. A Vietnamese style stage designed by an American was a typical feature of the coronation ceremony of Miss Universe 2008. It’s assured that millions of audiences in all over the world will have a new concept as they watch NBC channel like one of American of the Miss Universe Organization said: “Propagandizing Vietnam with humanitarian and typical cultural identity features with friends in all over the world”.
Tonight, as the rehearsal program concluded fireworks were let off to welcome all contestants with hospitality of Vietnamese people. Thousands of people crowded streets to join the atmosphere. However, the list of top 15 candidates is a secret so it’s very hard for audiences to guest who will be the Queen of Miss Universe. Some reporters and audiences guest that Top 5 may be in Miss Columbia Taliana Vargas, Miss India Simran Kaur Mundi, Miss Puerto Rico Ingrid Rivera, Miss America Crystle Stewart, Miss Mexico Elisa Najera, Miss Venezuela Dayana Mendoza and also Miss Vietnam Thuy Lam.
Diana Mendoza Biography - Miss Venezuela Universe 2008 - Miss Amazonas 2007
Diana Mendoza Biography - Miss Venezuela Universe 2008 - Miss Amazonas 2007
Age: 22 yrsHeight: 5'10"Hair Color: BrownEye Color: GreenMeasurements: 33.5-23-35Occupation: Venezuelan Model & Beauty QueenDayana Sabrina Mendoza Moncada (born June 1, 1986 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a model and the reigning Miss Venezuela 2007. Her name is often misspelled as Dyana Mendoza or Dayna Mendoza. On 2001 Men
doza signed with Elite Model Management and modeled in Italy, France, United States, England, Greece, Spain, Germany, Mexico and Peru for Versace, Roberto Cavalli and others fashion designers. She speaks Spanish, English and Italian. Dayana beat out 27 other candidates to win Miss Venezuela 2007 on September 13, 2007, and became only the second woman from the Amazonas state to win (the first being Carolina Izsak in 1991). She will represent Venezuela in the Miss Universe 2008 pageant in Nha Trang, Vietnam on July 13, 2008. She is among our top 10 favorites to win the Miss Universe 2008 title.
Age: 22 yrsHeight: 5'10"Hair Color: BrownEye Color: GreenMeasurements: 33.5-23-35Occupation: Venezuelan Model & Beauty QueenDayana Sabrina Mendoza Moncada (born June 1, 1986 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a model and the reigning Miss Venezuela 2007. Her name is often misspelled as Dyana Mendoza or Dayna Mendoza. On 2001 Men

Marianne Cruz - Miss Universe Dominican Republic 2008

Marianne Cruz's Biography
Age: N.A.Height: 183 cms (6ft)Marianne Elizabeth Cruz Gonzales was born in the Province of Salcedo in the Dominican Republic. She participated in the 2007 Miss Dominican Republic beauty pagent. Dispute her popularity,and her being the favorite candidate during the competition, Marianne lost to Massiel Taveras the candidate from the province of Santiago. Then, they said that they wanted her to enter in Miss Dominican Republic Universe 2008 and she has won. Later on Marianne went on to participate in the Miss Continente Americano 2007 beauty pagent. She became the winner and was proceded by Mia Taveras another beauty queen from the Dominican Republic.
Age: N.A.Height: 183 cms (6ft)Marianne Elizabeth Cruz Gonzales was born in the Province of Salcedo in the Dominican Republic. She participated in the 2007 Miss Dominican Republic beauty pagent. Dispute her popularity,and her being the favorite candidate during the competition, Marianne lost to Massiel Taveras the candidate from the province of Santiago. Then, they said that they wanted her to enter in Miss Dominican Republic Universe 2008 and she has won. Later on Marianne went on to participate in the Miss Continente Americano 2007 beauty pagent. She became the winner and was proceded by Mia Taveras another beauty queen from the Dominican Republic.
Mariann Birkedal - Miss Universe Norway 2008 - Miss Norway 2008
Mariann Birkedal - Miss Norway Universe 2008
Age: 21 yrsHeight: 5'8"Hair Color: BrownEye Color: Blue/GreenWhat are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?Being with people who mean the world to me; being with my family and friends is what I enjoy the most. I also love swimming, pilates, snowboarding (working out in general), musicals, singing (in a girls' choir), drawing, playing the piano, shopping and modeling. What is your career ambition?I'm still not quite sure what I want to end up doing, but I am a very ambitious young woman and feel like I have the time to change my mind when it comes to my career. But as of now, I see myself working in a bank. What is your proudest personal accomplishment?For me, it is very important to have good grades and to constantly do my best in school. My grades have always been in the top of my class, but I didn't expect them to be
as good when I moved to the USA to go to an American high school for a year. I did the best I could throughout the school year, and even though all the classes were in English I managed to maintain my good grades and got a GPA of 4.0. I was so proud when I, during graduation, was called up on stage and was recognized for my good grades with a medal. What is something unique that has happened to you; some interesting thing about you?As I mentioned above, I moved to Kentucky, USA for a year when I was 17. I lived with the most amazing host family and went to an American high school as a foreign exchange student. The decision to move there was probably the hardest, but also the best decision I ever made! I learned so much about myself; I learned to be independent, to set my own limits, stand for my own opinions and I just grew so much as a person. Since that year I've grown stronger and stronger, and more confident. I trust myself and know that I can do exactly what I want to, as long as I put my mind into it. What do you want the judges to know about you?I'm a kind, positive, strong and generous person who is easy to talk to. When I see people who are left outside or not included in a group, I'm usually the one to "take them in". I treat people as I want them to treat me. I also want to say that when I go into something new, I really put my mind into it and give 100%.
Age: 21 yrsHeight: 5'8"Hair Color: BrownEye Color: Blue/GreenWhat are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?Being with people who mean the world to me; being with my family and friends is what I enjoy the most. I also love swimming, pilates, snowboarding (working out in general), musicals, singing (in a girls' choir), drawing, playing the piano, shopping and modeling. What is your career ambition?I'm still not quite sure what I want to end up doing, but I am a very ambitious young woman and feel like I have the time to change my mind when it comes to my career. But as of now, I see myself working in a bank. What is your proudest personal accomplishment?For me, it is very important to have good grades and to constantly do my best in school. My grades have always been in the top of my class, but I didn't expect them to be

Eliska Buckova - Miss Universe Czech Republic 2008 - Czech Miss 2008
Eliska Buckova Interview - Miss Czech Republic Universe 2008
Age: 18 yrsHeight: 5'9"Weight: 58 kgHair Color: Dark BrownEye Color: BrownMeasures: 86-64-93 (cm)What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?I like dancing, singing, modeling and working with children. What is your career ambition?I would like to be a Top model and to be successful throughout the world. What is your proudest personal accomplishment?My proudest accomplishment was my winning the "Cz
ech Miss 2008" What do you want the judges to know about you?Maybe that my priorities are my family, faith and children.
Age: 18 yrsHeight: 5'9"Weight: 58 kgHair Color: Dark BrownEye Color: BrownMeasures: 86-64-93 (cm)What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?I like dancing, singing, modeling and working with children. What is your career ambition?I would like to be a Top model and to be successful throughout the world. What is your proudest personal accomplishment?My proudest accomplishment was my winning the "Cz

Eliska Buckova - Miss Universe Czech Republic 2008 Bikini & Swimsuit Pictures

Saturday, 12 July 2008
15 Contestants Selected For Miss Universe 2008 Final
Miss Universe 2008 beauty pageant at Vietnam is fast gearing up for the finale on July 14. Judges have short listed 15 contestants out of the total 80 during the preliminary or semi-final round that was held on July 8. Their names will be announced during the main event and one of them will go on to win this year’s Miss Universe title. The preliminary round was co-hosted by Miss Universe 2007, Riyo Mori along with Nguyen Khac Nguyen of Vietnam and it had all 80 contestants trying their mighty best to impress the judges with their beauty and charm to make it to the final 15.
The preliminary round witnessed the 80 contestants participate in the swimwear and evening gowns rounds. Apart from the Miss Vietnam, other contestants like Miss Venezuela, Miss South Korea and Miss Colombia also received avid support from the public. Everything was managed very efficiently by the organizers of the 2008 Miss Universe Contest and it was the first time the largest and most modern theatre in Vietnam, the Crown Convention Centre was opened to the people. The media was allowed to take picture of the beauty pageant contestants in swimwear for just five minutes.
The preliminary round witnessed the 80 contestants participate in the swimwear and evening gowns rounds. Apart from the Miss Vietnam, other contestants like Miss Venezuela, Miss South Korea and Miss Colombia also received avid support from the public. Everything was managed very efficiently by the organizers of the 2008 Miss Universe Contest and it was the first time the largest and most modern theatre in Vietnam, the Crown Convention Centre was opened to the people. The media was allowed to take picture of the beauty pageant contestants in swimwear for just five minutes.
Miss Universe 2008 list of contestants
Vietnam will host the Miss Universe 2008 contest at the Crown Convention Center in Nha Trang, on July 14, 2008. Here is an introduction to the 80 contestants who have won the respective Miss universe titles in their native countries, who will participate in this year’s Miss Universe pageant.
Miss Universe Albania 2008 Matilda Mecini
Matilda Mecini, the Miss Universe Albania 2008 contestant is 19 years old and hails from Shkodra. Matilda studies in the University of Tirana and enjoys Basketball.
Miss Universe Angola 2008 Lesliana Pereira
20-year-old Lesliana Pereira is the Miss Universe Angola 2008 contestant from Angola. Lesliana has grown up in Mbanza - Kongo.
Miss Universe Antigua and Barbuda 2008 Athina James
Athina James, the Miss Universe Antigua and Barbuda 2008 candidate, belongs to St. John’s city in Antigua and Barbuda. She is 18 years old, and a professional model. Athina loves cooking and being with friends.
Miss Universe Argentina 2008 Maria Silvana Belli
Maria Silvana Belli, from Rawson, Argentina is Miss Universe Argentina 2008 candidate, and is 19 years old and would like to be a fashion designer.
Miss Universe Aruba 2008 Tracey Nicolaas
Tracey Nicolaas is the 20-year-old Miss Universe Aruba 2008 contestant. Tracey belongs to Holland Town. She works as a dance teacher. Earlier Tracey was a professional dancer and is proficient in classical ballet, jazz and tap dance.
Miss Universe Australia 2008 Laura Dundovic
Laura Dundovic is the 21-year-old Miss Universe Australia 2008 candidate from Sydney. Laura, won the Miss Australia 2008 contest wants to be an organizational psychologist.
Miss Universe Bahamas 2008 Sacha Scott
19-year-old Sacha Scott, from Nassau, is the Miss Universe Bahamas 2008 candidate. Sacha stands at a height of 5′5″ and has brown eyes and hair. Sacha is the winner of the Miss Bahamas 2008 contest, and would like to be an entrepreneur.
Miss Universe Belgium 2008 Alizee Poulicek
Alizee Poulicek is 21 years old. Alizee is 5′9″ inches tall and has blonde hair and black eyes. Alizee, the winner of the Miss Belgium 2008 contest, would like to work in television.
Miss Universe Bolivia 2008 Katherine David Céspedes
Katherine David Céspedes is the 19-year-old Miss Universe 2008 candidate from San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia. Katherine si 5′8″ inches tall and enjoys playing basketball.
Miss Universe Brazil 2008 Natália Anderle
Natália Anderle, 23, is the Miss Universe 2008 candidate from Encantado, Brazil. Natalia has done a course in cosmetology and would like to open her own beauty and health clinic.
Miss Universe Canada 2008 Samantha Tajik
26-year-old Samantha Tajik won the Miss Canada 2008 contest to qualify as a Miss Universe 2008 contestant. Samantha is 5′10″ inches tall and would like to have her own business in the entertainment industry.
Miss Universe Cayman Islands 2008 Rebecca Parchment
Rebecca Parchment, 27, is 5′10″ tall and has brown hair and green eyes. Rebecca, the Miss Universe Canada 2008 contestant, hails from West Bay and says she is a very outdoorsy person.
Miss Universe China 2008 Wei Ziya
Wei Ziya, 25, is the Miss Universe China 2008, hailing from Chongquing. Wei Ziya is 5′9″ tall and has black eyes and brown hair. Wei Ziya, the winner of the Miss China 2008 contest, loves music and literature and build her own furniture brand.
Miss Universe Colombia 2008 Taliana Vargas
Taliana Vargas is the 20-year-old Miss Universe Colombia 2008 contestant. Taliana is 5′11″ tall and has brown hair and black eyes. Taliana the Miss Colombia 2008 winner hails from Marta. Taliana wants to work in the field of advanced economic and social development.
Miss Universe Costa Rica 2008 María Teresa Rodríguez
María Teresa Rodríguez, 21, is the Miss Universe Costa Rica 2008 contestant. Maria is 5′6″ tall and has brown hair and eyes. Maria, who won the Miss Costa Rica 2008 contest grew up in Alajuela. Maria wants to be an entrepreneur and run her own spa.
Miss Universe Croatia 2008 Snježana Loncarevic
Snježana Loncarevic, 24, is the Miss Universe Crotia 2008 contestant. Snježana hails from Zagreb, is 5′9″ tall and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Snjezana wants to become a successful actress.
Miss Universe Curaçao 2008 Jnyfeer Mercelina
Jnyfeer Mercelina is the 19-year-old Miss Universe Curacao 2008 contestant. Jenyfeer is 5′6″ tall and comes from Willemstad. Jnyfer has black eyes and brown hair. Jynfeer wants to be Human Resources manager in a company.
Miss Universe Cyprus 2008 Dimitra Sergiou
Dimitra Sergiou, 23, hails from Limassol. She won the Miss Cyprus 2008 contest and is the Miss Universe Cyprus 2008 contestant. Dimitra is 5′11″ tall and has brown hair and blue eyes. She wants to work with children with special needs.
Miss Universe Czech Republic 2008 Eliška Bucková
Eliška Bucková is the 18-year-old Miss Universe Czech Republic 2008 candidate from Strážnice. She is 5′9″ tall and has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Eliska wants to become a top international model.
Miss Universe Denmark 2008 Marie-Sten Knudsen
Marie-Sten Knudsen won the Miss Denmark 2008 contest this year. She is 18 years old and 6′0″ in height. The Miss Universe Denmark 2008 contestant, Marie-Sten, comes from Copenhagen and has brown eyes and brown hair. Marie wants to build a career in the performance arts.
Miss Universe Dominican Republic 2008 Marianne Cruz
Marianne Cruz is the 23-year-old Miss Universe Dominican Republic 2008 candidate. Marianne is 5′11″ tall and hails from Salcedo. Marianne has brown hair and brown eyes. Marianne enjoys dancing the Meringue and wants to become a fahion designer.
Miss Universe Ecuador 2008 Doménica Saporitti
Doménica Saporitti, 19, is the winner of the Miss Ecuador 2008 contest and is the Miss Universe Ecuador 2008 contestant. She is 5′8″ and comes from Guayaquil. Domenica is interested in Journalism and Public Relations.
Miss Universe Egypt 2008 Yara Naoum
Yara Naoum is 20 years old and 5′9″ tall. She hails from Cairo and is the winner of the Miss Egypt 2008 contest, and the Miss Universe Egypt 2008 contest. Yara has brown hair and brown eyes. Yara would love to be an interior designer.
Miss Universe El Salvador 2008 Rebeca Moreno
Rebeca Moreno, 22, is the winner of the Miss El Salvador 2008 contest. This Miss Universe El Salvador 2008 contestant is 5′3″ and hails from San Salvador. She has green eyes and brown hair. Rebeca enjoys dancing and would love to work with children.
Miss Universe Estonia 2008 Julia Kovaljova
Julia Kovaljova is the 22-year-old Miss Universe Estonia 2008 contestant. Julia won the Miss Estonia 2008 contest earlier this year. Julia, who comes from Tallinn, is 5′10″ tall and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe Finland 2008 Satu Tuomisto
Satu Tuomisto, 21, won the Miss Finland 2008 contest to qualify for the Miss Universe Finland 2008 contest. Satu comes from Akaa and is 5′9″ tall. Saku has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe France 2008 Laura tanguy
Laura Tanguy is the 20-year-old, 5′9″ tall Miss Universe France 2008 candidates. Laura hails from Angers and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe Georgia 2008 Gvantsa Daraselia
Gvantsa Daraselia, the Miss Universe Georgia 2008 contestant is 18 years old. She won the Miss Georgia 2008 contest earlier this year and comes from Tbilisi. Gvantsa is 5′7″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Germany 2008 Madina Taher
Madina Taher, 21, is the Miss Universe Germany 2008 contestant. She hails from Elmshorn, and won the Miss Germany 2008 contest. Madina is 5′8″ and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Ghana Yvette Nsiah
Yvette Nsiah is 21 years old and 5′7″ tall. Yvette has grown up in Accra and is the Miss Universe Ghana 2008 contestant. Earlier, she had won the Miss Ghana 2008 contest and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Greece 2008 Dionissia Koukiou
Dionissia Koukiou from Athens is 5′10″ tall. She won the Miss Greece 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Greece 2008 contestant. Dionissia has brown hair and hazel eyes.
Miss Universe Guam 2008 Siera Robertson
Siera Robertson, 18, is the Miss Universe Guam 2008 contestant from Yona. Siera is 5′10″ tall and brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Guatemala 2008 Jennifer Chiong
Jennifer Chiong is the 25-year-old Miss Universe Guatemala 2008 contestant. She is 5′7″ tall and hails from Quetzaltenango. Earlier she won the Miss Guatemala 2008 contest. Jennifer has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Honduras 2008 Diana Barrasa
Diana Barrasa, 22, hails from egucigalpa and is the Miss Universe Honduras Miss Universe 2008 contestant. Diana is 5′10″ and has black hair and black eyes.
Miss Universe Hungary 2008 Jázmin Dammak
Jázmin Dammak, who comes from Budapest is 24 years old, 5′8″ tall, and is the Miss Universe Hungary 2008 contestant. Jazmin won the Miss Hungary 2008 contest, and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe India 2008 Simran Kaur Mundi Simran Kaur Mundi, 22, is 5′9″ tall and comes from Mumbai where she won the Miss India 2008 contest. Simran is the Miss Universe India 2008 contestant and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Indonesia 2008 Putri Raemawasti Putri Raemawasti, from Blitar, is 21 year old is 5′7″ tall, and won the Miss Indonesia 2008 contest. She is the Miss Universe Indonesia 2008 contestant. Putri has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Ireland 2008 Lynn Kelly Lynn Kelly, from Dublin, is 20 years old. Lynn, the Miss Universe Ireland 2008 contestant, is 5′8″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Israel 2008 Shunit FaragiShunit Faragi is the 21 year old Miss Universe Israel 2008 contestant from Kiryat Tiv’on. Shunit is 5′8″ tall and has brown eyes and blue hair.
Miss Universe Italy 2008 Claudia FerrarisClaudia Ferraris, 19, is the 5′8″ tall Miss Universe Italy 2008 contestant from Bergamo.CLaudia, who won the Miss Italy 2008 contest, has green eyes and brown hair.
Miss Universe Jamaica 2008 April JacksonApril Jackson, 19, won the Miss Jamaica 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Jamaica 2008 contestant. This 6′0″ Miss Universe contestant hails from Ocho Ríos and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Japan 2008 Hiroko MimaHiroko Mima is the 21 year old Miss Universe Japan 2008 contestant. Hiroko, who won the Miss Japan 2008 contest, is 5′8″ tall and has black hair and brown eyes. Hiroko hails from Tokushima.
Miss Universe Kazakhstan 2008 Alfina Nassyrova
Alfina Nassyrova, 20, is the miss Universe Kazakhstan 2008 contestant from Almaty. Alfina won the Miss Kazakhstan 2008 contest and is 5′9″ tall. Alfina has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Korea 2008 Sun Lee
Sun Lee, 25, is the Miss Universe Korea 2008 contest. Sun Lee is 5′7″ tall and comes from Seoul. She won the Miss Korea 2008 contest earlier this year. Sun Lee has brown hair and brown eyes, and hails from Seoul.
Miss Universe Kosovo 2008 Zana Krasniqi
Zana Krasniqi, 19, is the 5′7″ tall Miss Universe Kosovo 2008 contestant from Pristina. Zana won the Miss Kosovo 2008 contest and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe Malaysia 2008 Levy Li Su Lin Levy Li Su Lin is 20 years old. She won the Miss Malaysia 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Malaysia 2008 contestant. Levy is 5′7″ tall and has brown eyes and brown hair. Levy comes from Terengganu in Malaysia.
Miss Universe Mauritius 2008 Marie-Anne OliviaMarie-Anne Olivia ,19, is the Miss Universe Mauritius 2008 contestant from Vacoas. Marie-Anne had won the Miss Mauritius 2008 contrs. She is 5′7″ tall and has brown eyes and brown hair.
Miss Universe Mexico 2008 Elisa NájeraElisa Nájera, 21, is the Miss Universe Mexico 2008 contestant, who had earlier won the Miss Mexico 2008 contest. She is 6′0″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. Elisa comes from Celaya.
Miss Universe Montenegro 2008 Daša Živkovic
Daša Živkovic, 19, is the Miss Universe Montenegro 2008 contestant from Nikšic. Dasa is 5′10″ and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Netherlands 2008 Charlotte Labee
Charlotte Labee, 22, from Den Haag, is the Miss Universe Netherlands 2008 contestant. She is 5′11″ tall and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Charlotte is the winner of the Miss Netherlands 2008 contest.
Miss Universe New Zealand 2008 Samantha Powell
Samantha Powell, 21, won the Miss New Zealand 2008 contest to take part in the Miss Universe New Zealand 2008 contest. She is 5′10″ tall and hails from Paraparaumu. Samantha has blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Miss Universe Nicaragua 2008 Thelma Rodríguez
Thelma Rodríguez, 19, is the Miss Universe Nicaragua 2008 contestant from Chinandega. Thelma, who has won the Miss Nicaragua 2008 contest is 5′9″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Nigeria 2008 Stephanie Oforka
Stephanie Oforka, 20, who comes from Port Harcourt, is the Miss Universe Nigeria 2008 contestant. Stephanie had won the Miss Nigeria 2008 contest. She is 5′11″ and has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Norway 2008 Mariann Birkedal
Mariann Birkedal, 21, from Stavanger is 5′8″ tall and has brown hair and blue-green eyes. Mariann is the Miss Universe Norway 2008 contest and has earlier won the Miss Norway 2008 contest.
Miss Universe Panama 2008 Carolina DementievCarolina Dementiev, 19, comes from Panama city and has brown hair and hazel eyes. Carolina, who is 5′9″ tall, is the Misss Universe Panama 2008 contestant.
Miss Universe Paraguay 2008 Giannina Rufinelli
Giannina Rufinelli, 22, is the Miss Universe Paraguay 2008 contestant from Luque. She is 5′7″ tall and has brown eyes and brown hair.
Miss Universe Peru 2008 Karol CastilloKarol Castillo, 18, won the Miss Peru 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Peru 2008 contestant. Karol is 6′0″, comes from Trujillo, and has black hair and blackeyes.
Miss Universe Philippines 2008 Jennifer Barrientos
Jennifer Barrientos, 22, is the Miss Universe Philippines 2008 contestant who had earlier won the Miss Philippines 2008 contest. She is 5′8″ talls and black hair and brown eyes. Jennifer hails from San Mateo.
Miss Universe Poland 2008 Barbara Tatara
Barbara Tatara, 24, is the Miss Universe Poland 2008 contestant, who had earlier won the Miss Poland 2008 contest. Barbara comes from Lodz and is 5′9″ tall. Barbara has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2008 Ingrid Rivera
Ingrid Rivera, 24, from Dorado, is the Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2008 contestant. Ingrid is 5′9″ tall and has brown hair and blue eyes.
Vera Krasova, 20, won the Miss Russia 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Russia 2008 contestant. Vera, who comes, from Moscow is 5′10″ tall and has hazel eyes and brown hair.
Bojana Boric is 21 years old and is Miss Serbia 2008. She is the Miss Universe Serbia 2008 contestant and hails from Sremska Mitrovica. Bojana is 5′10″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Shenise Wong, 26, is the Miss Universe Singapore 2008 contestant from Singapore. Shenise is 5′8″ tall and has black hair and black eyes.
Slovak Republic
The 20-year old Sandra Manáková from Bratislava, is the Miss Universe Slovak Republic 2008 contestant. Sandra has won the Miss Slovak Republic 2008 pageant and is 5′11″ tall. Sandra has brown hair and green eyes.
Anamarija Avbelj, 20, is the winner of the Miss Slovenia 2008 contest. Anamarija, who hails from Lukovica, is the Miss Universe Slovenia 2008 contestant. She is 5′9″ tall and hasblonde hair and blue eyes.
South Africa
Tansey Coetzee is the 23-year-old winner of the Miss South Africa 2008 contest. Tansey is the Miss Universe South Africa 2008 candidate from Johannesburg. Tansey is 5′9″ tall and has black hair and brown eyes.
Claudia Moro, 22, comes from Madrid and is the Miss Universe Spain 2008 candidate. Claudia is 5′11″ tall and has black hair and black eyes.
Sri LankaAruni Rajapaksha, 24, is the Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2008 candidate from Kandy. Previously, she won the Miss Sri Lanka 2008 contest and is 5′7″ tall.She has black hair and brown eyes.
Amanda Ammann, 21, is the Miss Universe Switzerland 2008 contestant from Abtwil. Amanda is 5′6″ tall and has black hair and brown eyes. Amanda is the winner of the Miss Switzerland 2008 contest
Miss Universe Albania 2008 Matilda Mecini
Matilda Mecini, the Miss Universe Albania 2008 contestant is 19 years old and hails from Shkodra. Matilda studies in the University of Tirana and enjoys Basketball.
Miss Universe Angola 2008 Lesliana Pereira
20-year-old Lesliana Pereira is the Miss Universe Angola 2008 contestant from Angola. Lesliana has grown up in Mbanza - Kongo.
Miss Universe Antigua and Barbuda 2008 Athina James
Athina James, the Miss Universe Antigua and Barbuda 2008 candidate, belongs to St. John’s city in Antigua and Barbuda. She is 18 years old, and a professional model. Athina loves cooking and being with friends.
Miss Universe Argentina 2008 Maria Silvana Belli
Maria Silvana Belli, from Rawson, Argentina is Miss Universe Argentina 2008 candidate, and is 19 years old and would like to be a fashion designer.
Miss Universe Aruba 2008 Tracey Nicolaas
Tracey Nicolaas is the 20-year-old Miss Universe Aruba 2008 contestant. Tracey belongs to Holland Town. She works as a dance teacher. Earlier Tracey was a professional dancer and is proficient in classical ballet, jazz and tap dance.
Miss Universe Australia 2008 Laura Dundovic
Laura Dundovic is the 21-year-old Miss Universe Australia 2008 candidate from Sydney. Laura, won the Miss Australia 2008 contest wants to be an organizational psychologist.
Miss Universe Bahamas 2008 Sacha Scott
19-year-old Sacha Scott, from Nassau, is the Miss Universe Bahamas 2008 candidate. Sacha stands at a height of 5′5″ and has brown eyes and hair. Sacha is the winner of the Miss Bahamas 2008 contest, and would like to be an entrepreneur.
Miss Universe Belgium 2008 Alizee Poulicek
Alizee Poulicek is 21 years old. Alizee is 5′9″ inches tall and has blonde hair and black eyes. Alizee, the winner of the Miss Belgium 2008 contest, would like to work in television.
Miss Universe Bolivia 2008 Katherine David Céspedes
Katherine David Céspedes is the 19-year-old Miss Universe 2008 candidate from San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia. Katherine si 5′8″ inches tall and enjoys playing basketball.
Miss Universe Brazil 2008 Natália Anderle
Natália Anderle, 23, is the Miss Universe 2008 candidate from Encantado, Brazil. Natalia has done a course in cosmetology and would like to open her own beauty and health clinic.
Miss Universe Canada 2008 Samantha Tajik
26-year-old Samantha Tajik won the Miss Canada 2008 contest to qualify as a Miss Universe 2008 contestant. Samantha is 5′10″ inches tall and would like to have her own business in the entertainment industry.
Miss Universe Cayman Islands 2008 Rebecca Parchment
Rebecca Parchment, 27, is 5′10″ tall and has brown hair and green eyes. Rebecca, the Miss Universe Canada 2008 contestant, hails from West Bay and says she is a very outdoorsy person.
Miss Universe China 2008 Wei Ziya
Wei Ziya, 25, is the Miss Universe China 2008, hailing from Chongquing. Wei Ziya is 5′9″ tall and has black eyes and brown hair. Wei Ziya, the winner of the Miss China 2008 contest, loves music and literature and build her own furniture brand.
Miss Universe Colombia 2008 Taliana Vargas
Taliana Vargas is the 20-year-old Miss Universe Colombia 2008 contestant. Taliana is 5′11″ tall and has brown hair and black eyes. Taliana the Miss Colombia 2008 winner hails from Marta. Taliana wants to work in the field of advanced economic and social development.
Miss Universe Costa Rica 2008 María Teresa Rodríguez
María Teresa Rodríguez, 21, is the Miss Universe Costa Rica 2008 contestant. Maria is 5′6″ tall and has brown hair and eyes. Maria, who won the Miss Costa Rica 2008 contest grew up in Alajuela. Maria wants to be an entrepreneur and run her own spa.
Miss Universe Croatia 2008 Snježana Loncarevic
Snježana Loncarevic, 24, is the Miss Universe Crotia 2008 contestant. Snježana hails from Zagreb, is 5′9″ tall and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Snjezana wants to become a successful actress.
Miss Universe Curaçao 2008 Jnyfeer Mercelina
Jnyfeer Mercelina is the 19-year-old Miss Universe Curacao 2008 contestant. Jenyfeer is 5′6″ tall and comes from Willemstad. Jnyfer has black eyes and brown hair. Jynfeer wants to be Human Resources manager in a company.
Miss Universe Cyprus 2008 Dimitra Sergiou
Dimitra Sergiou, 23, hails from Limassol. She won the Miss Cyprus 2008 contest and is the Miss Universe Cyprus 2008 contestant. Dimitra is 5′11″ tall and has brown hair and blue eyes. She wants to work with children with special needs.
Miss Universe Czech Republic 2008 Eliška Bucková
Eliška Bucková is the 18-year-old Miss Universe Czech Republic 2008 candidate from Strážnice. She is 5′9″ tall and has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Eliska wants to become a top international model.
Miss Universe Denmark 2008 Marie-Sten Knudsen
Marie-Sten Knudsen won the Miss Denmark 2008 contest this year. She is 18 years old and 6′0″ in height. The Miss Universe Denmark 2008 contestant, Marie-Sten, comes from Copenhagen and has brown eyes and brown hair. Marie wants to build a career in the performance arts.
Miss Universe Dominican Republic 2008 Marianne Cruz
Marianne Cruz is the 23-year-old Miss Universe Dominican Republic 2008 candidate. Marianne is 5′11″ tall and hails from Salcedo. Marianne has brown hair and brown eyes. Marianne enjoys dancing the Meringue and wants to become a fahion designer.
Miss Universe Ecuador 2008 Doménica Saporitti
Doménica Saporitti, 19, is the winner of the Miss Ecuador 2008 contest and is the Miss Universe Ecuador 2008 contestant. She is 5′8″ and comes from Guayaquil. Domenica is interested in Journalism and Public Relations.
Miss Universe Egypt 2008 Yara Naoum
Yara Naoum is 20 years old and 5′9″ tall. She hails from Cairo and is the winner of the Miss Egypt 2008 contest, and the Miss Universe Egypt 2008 contest. Yara has brown hair and brown eyes. Yara would love to be an interior designer.
Miss Universe El Salvador 2008 Rebeca Moreno
Rebeca Moreno, 22, is the winner of the Miss El Salvador 2008 contest. This Miss Universe El Salvador 2008 contestant is 5′3″ and hails from San Salvador. She has green eyes and brown hair. Rebeca enjoys dancing and would love to work with children.
Miss Universe Estonia 2008 Julia Kovaljova
Julia Kovaljova is the 22-year-old Miss Universe Estonia 2008 contestant. Julia won the Miss Estonia 2008 contest earlier this year. Julia, who comes from Tallinn, is 5′10″ tall and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe Finland 2008 Satu Tuomisto
Satu Tuomisto, 21, won the Miss Finland 2008 contest to qualify for the Miss Universe Finland 2008 contest. Satu comes from Akaa and is 5′9″ tall. Saku has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe France 2008 Laura tanguy
Laura Tanguy is the 20-year-old, 5′9″ tall Miss Universe France 2008 candidates. Laura hails from Angers and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe Georgia 2008 Gvantsa Daraselia
Gvantsa Daraselia, the Miss Universe Georgia 2008 contestant is 18 years old. She won the Miss Georgia 2008 contest earlier this year and comes from Tbilisi. Gvantsa is 5′7″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Germany 2008 Madina Taher
Madina Taher, 21, is the Miss Universe Germany 2008 contestant. She hails from Elmshorn, and won the Miss Germany 2008 contest. Madina is 5′8″ and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Ghana Yvette Nsiah
Yvette Nsiah is 21 years old and 5′7″ tall. Yvette has grown up in Accra and is the Miss Universe Ghana 2008 contestant. Earlier, she had won the Miss Ghana 2008 contest and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Greece 2008 Dionissia Koukiou
Dionissia Koukiou from Athens is 5′10″ tall. She won the Miss Greece 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Greece 2008 contestant. Dionissia has brown hair and hazel eyes.
Miss Universe Guam 2008 Siera Robertson
Siera Robertson, 18, is the Miss Universe Guam 2008 contestant from Yona. Siera is 5′10″ tall and brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Guatemala 2008 Jennifer Chiong
Jennifer Chiong is the 25-year-old Miss Universe Guatemala 2008 contestant. She is 5′7″ tall and hails from Quetzaltenango. Earlier she won the Miss Guatemala 2008 contest. Jennifer has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Honduras 2008 Diana Barrasa
Diana Barrasa, 22, hails from egucigalpa and is the Miss Universe Honduras Miss Universe 2008 contestant. Diana is 5′10″ and has black hair and black eyes.
Miss Universe Hungary 2008 Jázmin Dammak
Jázmin Dammak, who comes from Budapest is 24 years old, 5′8″ tall, and is the Miss Universe Hungary 2008 contestant. Jazmin won the Miss Hungary 2008 contest, and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe India 2008 Simran Kaur Mundi Simran Kaur Mundi, 22, is 5′9″ tall and comes from Mumbai where she won the Miss India 2008 contest. Simran is the Miss Universe India 2008 contestant and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Indonesia 2008 Putri Raemawasti Putri Raemawasti, from Blitar, is 21 year old is 5′7″ tall, and won the Miss Indonesia 2008 contest. She is the Miss Universe Indonesia 2008 contestant. Putri has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Ireland 2008 Lynn Kelly Lynn Kelly, from Dublin, is 20 years old. Lynn, the Miss Universe Ireland 2008 contestant, is 5′8″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Israel 2008 Shunit FaragiShunit Faragi is the 21 year old Miss Universe Israel 2008 contestant from Kiryat Tiv’on. Shunit is 5′8″ tall and has brown eyes and blue hair.
Miss Universe Italy 2008 Claudia FerrarisClaudia Ferraris, 19, is the 5′8″ tall Miss Universe Italy 2008 contestant from Bergamo.CLaudia, who won the Miss Italy 2008 contest, has green eyes and brown hair.
Miss Universe Jamaica 2008 April JacksonApril Jackson, 19, won the Miss Jamaica 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Jamaica 2008 contestant. This 6′0″ Miss Universe contestant hails from Ocho Ríos and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Japan 2008 Hiroko MimaHiroko Mima is the 21 year old Miss Universe Japan 2008 contestant. Hiroko, who won the Miss Japan 2008 contest, is 5′8″ tall and has black hair and brown eyes. Hiroko hails from Tokushima.
Miss Universe Kazakhstan 2008 Alfina Nassyrova
Alfina Nassyrova, 20, is the miss Universe Kazakhstan 2008 contestant from Almaty. Alfina won the Miss Kazakhstan 2008 contest and is 5′9″ tall. Alfina has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Korea 2008 Sun Lee
Sun Lee, 25, is the Miss Universe Korea 2008 contest. Sun Lee is 5′7″ tall and comes from Seoul. She won the Miss Korea 2008 contest earlier this year. Sun Lee has brown hair and brown eyes, and hails from Seoul.
Miss Universe Kosovo 2008 Zana Krasniqi
Zana Krasniqi, 19, is the 5′7″ tall Miss Universe Kosovo 2008 contestant from Pristina. Zana won the Miss Kosovo 2008 contest and has brown hair and green eyes.
Miss Universe Malaysia 2008 Levy Li Su Lin Levy Li Su Lin is 20 years old. She won the Miss Malaysia 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Malaysia 2008 contestant. Levy is 5′7″ tall and has brown eyes and brown hair. Levy comes from Terengganu in Malaysia.
Miss Universe Mauritius 2008 Marie-Anne OliviaMarie-Anne Olivia ,19, is the Miss Universe Mauritius 2008 contestant from Vacoas. Marie-Anne had won the Miss Mauritius 2008 contrs. She is 5′7″ tall and has brown eyes and brown hair.
Miss Universe Mexico 2008 Elisa NájeraElisa Nájera, 21, is the Miss Universe Mexico 2008 contestant, who had earlier won the Miss Mexico 2008 contest. She is 6′0″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. Elisa comes from Celaya.
Miss Universe Montenegro 2008 Daša Živkovic
Daša Živkovic, 19, is the Miss Universe Montenegro 2008 contestant from Nikšic. Dasa is 5′10″ and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Netherlands 2008 Charlotte Labee
Charlotte Labee, 22, from Den Haag, is the Miss Universe Netherlands 2008 contestant. She is 5′11″ tall and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Charlotte is the winner of the Miss Netherlands 2008 contest.
Miss Universe New Zealand 2008 Samantha Powell
Samantha Powell, 21, won the Miss New Zealand 2008 contest to take part in the Miss Universe New Zealand 2008 contest. She is 5′10″ tall and hails from Paraparaumu. Samantha has blonde hair and hazel eyes.
Miss Universe Nicaragua 2008 Thelma Rodríguez
Thelma Rodríguez, 19, is the Miss Universe Nicaragua 2008 contestant from Chinandega. Thelma, who has won the Miss Nicaragua 2008 contest is 5′9″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Nigeria 2008 Stephanie Oforka
Stephanie Oforka, 20, who comes from Port Harcourt, is the Miss Universe Nigeria 2008 contestant. Stephanie had won the Miss Nigeria 2008 contest. She is 5′11″ and has black hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Norway 2008 Mariann Birkedal
Mariann Birkedal, 21, from Stavanger is 5′8″ tall and has brown hair and blue-green eyes. Mariann is the Miss Universe Norway 2008 contest and has earlier won the Miss Norway 2008 contest.
Miss Universe Panama 2008 Carolina DementievCarolina Dementiev, 19, comes from Panama city and has brown hair and hazel eyes. Carolina, who is 5′9″ tall, is the Misss Universe Panama 2008 contestant.
Miss Universe Paraguay 2008 Giannina Rufinelli
Giannina Rufinelli, 22, is the Miss Universe Paraguay 2008 contestant from Luque. She is 5′7″ tall and has brown eyes and brown hair.
Miss Universe Peru 2008 Karol CastilloKarol Castillo, 18, won the Miss Peru 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Peru 2008 contestant. Karol is 6′0″, comes from Trujillo, and has black hair and blackeyes.
Miss Universe Philippines 2008 Jennifer Barrientos
Jennifer Barrientos, 22, is the Miss Universe Philippines 2008 contestant who had earlier won the Miss Philippines 2008 contest. She is 5′8″ talls and black hair and brown eyes. Jennifer hails from San Mateo.
Miss Universe Poland 2008 Barbara Tatara
Barbara Tatara, 24, is the Miss Universe Poland 2008 contestant, who had earlier won the Miss Poland 2008 contest. Barbara comes from Lodz and is 5′9″ tall. Barbara has brown hair and brown eyes.
Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2008 Ingrid Rivera
Ingrid Rivera, 24, from Dorado, is the Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2008 contestant. Ingrid is 5′9″ tall and has brown hair and blue eyes.
Vera Krasova, 20, won the Miss Russia 2008 contest to become the Miss Universe Russia 2008 contestant. Vera, who comes, from Moscow is 5′10″ tall and has hazel eyes and brown hair.
Bojana Boric is 21 years old and is Miss Serbia 2008. She is the Miss Universe Serbia 2008 contestant and hails from Sremska Mitrovica. Bojana is 5′10″ tall and has brown hair and brown eyes.
Shenise Wong, 26, is the Miss Universe Singapore 2008 contestant from Singapore. Shenise is 5′8″ tall and has black hair and black eyes.
Slovak Republic
The 20-year old Sandra Manáková from Bratislava, is the Miss Universe Slovak Republic 2008 contestant. Sandra has won the Miss Slovak Republic 2008 pageant and is 5′11″ tall. Sandra has brown hair and green eyes.
Anamarija Avbelj, 20, is the winner of the Miss Slovenia 2008 contest. Anamarija, who hails from Lukovica, is the Miss Universe Slovenia 2008 contestant. She is 5′9″ tall and hasblonde hair and blue eyes.
South Africa
Tansey Coetzee is the 23-year-old winner of the Miss South Africa 2008 contest. Tansey is the Miss Universe South Africa 2008 candidate from Johannesburg. Tansey is 5′9″ tall and has black hair and brown eyes.
Claudia Moro, 22, comes from Madrid and is the Miss Universe Spain 2008 candidate. Claudia is 5′11″ tall and has black hair and black eyes.
Sri LankaAruni Rajapaksha, 24, is the Miss Universe Sri Lanka 2008 candidate from Kandy. Previously, she won the Miss Sri Lanka 2008 contest and is 5′7″ tall.She has black hair and brown eyes.
Amanda Ammann, 21, is the Miss Universe Switzerland 2008 contestant from Abtwil. Amanda is 5′6″ tall and has black hair and brown eyes. Amanda is the winner of the Miss Switzerland 2008 contest
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Miss Korea Lee Ji-sun to Compete in Miss Universe 2008
Miss Korea Lee Ji-sun will compete in the 57th Annual Miss Universe Competition held in Khanh Hoa, Vietnam, July 14, with the assistance of renowned trainer Ines Ligron.Ligron is the national director of Miss Universe Japan and was the trainer of 2007's Miss Universe Riyo Mori. She has been working in the Japanese beauty pageant industry for the past decade.
Miss Korea Lee Ji-sun and Ines Ligron (R)
``When I heard that Ligron was training Miss Japan Mima Hiroko, I contacted her and told her I wanted to be trained also. She told me to move to Japan, so I quickly packed my bags,'' said Lee at a press conference in central Seoul.Ligron explained that 25-year-old Lee has been working very hard and indeed has a shot at the crown.``I have been working with Ji-sun for the last three months. When I first saw her I thought she was very pretty and eager, but seemed a bit conservative. She didn't really express her beauty in a confident way. I taught her to be more free, sexy and appealing,'' said Ligron.Beauty pageants have received criticism in Korea for being competitions that only judge the candidate's appearance, but the renowned trainer emphasized that this was not true.``In Asia, there is a big misunderstanding about beauty. It's more than having a pretty face and a pretty body. The beauty is deeper, coming from your heart and from your soul. The Miss Universe is a personality competition. It's about the total package. You have to be intelligent, healthy and aware of what is happening in the world,'' Ligron said.In last year's competition, Korea's Honey Lee made it to the top five. Winning fourth place, she instantly brought the international competition to the Korean public's interest. This obviously worked as a drive for Lee and helped her stay focused.``Of course, I want to win. Watching Honey's performance was inspiring. I could feel her passion through her stage performance. I've been working hard and I hope the Korean public will also root for me,'' Lee said smiling.
Hiroko Mima Crowned Miss Universe Japan 2008
Hiroko Mima Crowned Miss Universe Japan 2008
21-year-old Hiroko Mima has taken the title of Miss Universe Japan 2008, besting roughly 4000 other girls who vied for this coveted title. She’ll be represeting Japan at the Miss Universe pageant in Hanoi Vietnam.
She’s definitely pretty, but I don’t think she’s quite up their with Riyo Mori (Miss Universe Japan 2007) who was able to take the Miss Universe 2007 title last year.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Miss Universe facilities get insured
An insurance contract valued at VNĐ300 billion (US$18.2 million) provided by the Khánh Hòa branch of Bảo Biệt Insurance and Hoàn Cầu Co Ltd guarantees the needed facilities for the Miss Universe 2008 pageant in Nha Trang.
It is in effect during the month of contest activities.
The contract terms are based on the resort comple
xes (VNĐ140 billion), Miss Universe works (VNĐ112 billion), a trading centre (VNĐ48) and other facilities in the area.
The contract also covers lost or damaged property registered with the company. Another policy covers tourists' health during the contest
The contract also covers lost or damaged property registered with the company. Another policy covers tourists' health during the contest
Miss Mexico Bags Best in Swimwear Title At Miss Universe 2008
Miss Mexico Bags Best in Swimwear Title At Miss Universe 2008
A series of small contests are being held to set the stage for the main Miss Universe 2008 event on July 14 this year at Vietnam. The audiences therefore were all eyes when stunning beauties from nearly 80 countries vied against each other in the Swimsuit com
A series of small contests are being held to set the stage for the main Miss Universe 2008 event on July 14 this year at Vietnam. The audiences therefore were all eyes when stunning beauties from nearly 80 countries vied against each other in the Swimsuit com
petition held recently at Amphitheatre of the Vinpearl Resort, Hon Tre Island, Nha Trang. There is little doubt that the judges must have faced a hard time zeroing in on Miss Mexico Elisa Najera for the Best in Swimwear title.
Much to the disappointment of others, Miss Mexico Elisa Najera walked away with a trophy and a cash prize of US $2,000. Elisa Najera is being considered as amongst the most talented, eye-catching and therefore the most deserving of contestants in this year’s Miss Universe beauty pageant. She has turned out to have garnered much support in a very short time. However, giving her a tight competition during the swimwear round were contestants from US, Spain, India and Colombia, who were among top five finalists. The two other mini-contests held were the Ao Dai and the National Costume presentation.
Monday, 23 June 2008
Miss Universe Japan 2008 - Hiroko Mima
Last week i previewed the Miss Universe Japan contest, on the back of enjoying Miss Nippon / Miss Japan 2008 earlier in the year, which was held at Tokyo Big Site last night. The winner who will go on to compete in the Miss Universe 2008 competition on the 14th of July in Vietnam is the lovely Hiroko Mima, not my pick but then again i wasn`t asked and i wouldn’t complain if i had a Japanese Girlfriend that looked like her either!
Hiroko, a 22-year-old student from Tokushima, beat out nearly 4,000 applicants this year. The 173-cm-tall beauty is a keen high jumper and excels at Awa Odori dance.
Hiroko, a 22-year-old student from Tokushima, beat out nearly 4,000 applicants this year. The 173-cm-tall beauty is a keen high jumper and excels at Awa Odori dance.
Meet Miss Universe Australia
TODAY meets Miss Universe Australia, Laura Dundovic, and discovers that it takes beauty, brains and bravado to cut it on the pageant stage.
On July 14, over three billion people will watch representatives from around the world compete for the Miss Universe Crown in Vietnam.
As always, one of the highlights will be watching what the contestants wear for their national dress.
On July 14, over three billion people will watch representatives from around the world compete for the Miss Universe Crown in Vietnam.
As always, one of the highlights will be watching what the contestants wear for their national dress.
Miss Universe Australia 2008, Laura Dundovic, joined TODAY and gave us a sneak peak at the outfit she’ll wear for her national costume while she’s flying the Aussie flag overseas. 
The gown Miss Dundovic will wear has been designed by top Australian designer Jayson Brunsdon who is renowned for his use of rich fabrics and textures.
Miss Dundovic’s custom made gown is no exception. The floor length structured ball gown features a wooden boomerang neck piece and luxurious fabrics in rich brown, blue and cream tones to represent the Australian landscape.
”I absolutely love the dress and I’m amazed that Jason was able to pull a masterpiece like this together so quickly and calmly,” says Miss Dundovic.
Miss Dundovic won the judges over with her charisma and cheeky sense of humour when she said the solution to the world's environmental problems would be to use less hairspray during the Australia selections.
To help with her preparations for the big event she has been receiving make up and grooming lessons as well as media training.
Whilst in the TODAY Show studio Miss Dundovic received an impromptu interview from TODAY beauty experts Cameron Williams, Karl Stefanovic and Richard Wilkins. She charmed the TODAY lads and proved she’s a down to earth Aussie girl who enjoys a meat pies and prefers tomato sauce over BBQ sauce. No doubt her questions at the Miss Universe pageant will be more difficult.
”You always feel a little bit nervous about the pageant and it’s obviously incredibly competitive but I’m just focusing on enjoying myself and having fun,” she says.
Miss Dundovic believes her university studies in psychology will help her during the competition and says she’ll use the experience as a great opportunity to experience Vietnamese culture and meet new people.
And whilst many of us can imagine back stage cat fights and sabotage efforts Miss Dundovic is quick to dispel rumours of tantrums or diva behaviour.
”All the girls involved in the Miss Australia contest were lovely so I’m sure I’ll find the international pageant just as supportive,” she says.
Miss Dundovic lists fellow Miss Universe Australia contestant Jennifer Hawkins as one of her role models.
”Jennifer Hawkins has really lifted the profile for the Miss Universe Competition here in Australia,” she explains. “She has been amazing at promoting the competition in a positive way and achieved an enormous amount of success since finishing her reign as Miss Universe 2004.”
Long term Miss Dundovic plans to complete her honours degree and work as an organisational psychologist.
If Miss Dundovic wins the tiara in Vietnam she will become the third Miss Australia to win the prestigious competition.
The gown Miss Dundovic will wear has been designed by top Australian designer Jayson Brunsdon who is renowned for his use of rich fabrics and textures.
Miss Dundovic’s custom made gown is no exception. The floor length structured ball gown features a wooden boomerang neck piece and luxurious fabrics in rich brown, blue and cream tones to represent the Australian landscape.
”I absolutely love the dress and I’m amazed that Jason was able to pull a masterpiece like this together so quickly and calmly,” says Miss Dundovic.
Miss Dundovic won the judges over with her charisma and cheeky sense of humour when she said the solution to the world's environmental problems would be to use less hairspray during the Australia selections.
To help with her preparations for the big event she has been receiving make up and grooming lessons as well as media training.
Whilst in the TODAY Show studio Miss Dundovic received an impromptu interview from TODAY beauty experts Cameron Williams, Karl Stefanovic and Richard Wilkins. She charmed the TODAY lads and proved she’s a down to earth Aussie girl who enjoys a meat pies and prefers tomato sauce over BBQ sauce. No doubt her questions at the Miss Universe pageant will be more difficult.
”You always feel a little bit nervous about the pageant and it’s obviously incredibly competitive but I’m just focusing on enjoying myself and having fun,” she says.
Miss Dundovic believes her university studies in psychology will help her during the competition and says she’ll use the experience as a great opportunity to experience Vietnamese culture and meet new people.
And whilst many of us can imagine back stage cat fights and sabotage efforts Miss Dundovic is quick to dispel rumours of tantrums or diva behaviour.
”All the girls involved in the Miss Australia contest were lovely so I’m sure I’ll find the international pageant just as supportive,” she says.
Miss Dundovic lists fellow Miss Universe Australia contestant Jennifer Hawkins as one of her role models.
”Jennifer Hawkins has really lifted the profile for the Miss Universe Competition here in Australia,” she explains. “She has been amazing at promoting the competition in a positive way and achieved an enormous amount of success since finishing her reign as Miss Universe 2004.”
Long term Miss Dundovic plans to complete her honours degree and work as an organisational psychologist.
If Miss Dundovic wins the tiara in Vietnam she will become the third Miss Australia to win the prestigious competition.
What started as her grandmother's premonition became a reality for Riyo Mori on May 28th, 2007. At the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City, the Japanese beauty was crowned Miss Universe 2007 at the age of 20.
A self-described "modern-day female samurai," Riyo prides herself on having a great sense of independence and self, "the traditional samurai spirit prizes composure, patience and a sense of justice. It is someone who fearlessly faces challenges with a strong will." Riyo definitely embodies an independent woman. By the age of 16, she left her home in Shizuoka, Japan to study abroad in Canada, eventually reaching New York at 19 years old. Through her travels and studies, Riyo has been able to master adapting to different environments, the importance of learning foreign languages and the need for intercultural understanding. When her host guardian in Canada was suffering from hearing loss, Riyo learned American Sign Language to communicate. This experience eventually led her to volunteer with Deaf children, working on art activities.
A dancer and performer since the age of four, Riyo has spen
With the title of Miss Universe now under her belt, Riyo is as determined as ever. She aspires to become the first Japanese Radio City Rockette and will eventually open an international dance school in Tokyo, Japan. "My mother taught me that women can have it all. You donít have to choose between having a family or career, you can do both." Riyo intends on spreading this message of empowerment and independence to women all over the world, just as her mother has for her.
Riyo is also excited to start championing the official causes of MISS UNIVERSE®, which include increasing HIV/AIDS awareness by focusing on womenís health and reproductive issues and forging relationships with organizations committed to research and education, including the Latino Commission on AIDS, Global Health Council and Godís Love We Deliver.
Frick. a Story of the 2007-2008 Denver Nuggets, by miss_lorelei at RootZoo
As far as RootZoo friends go HTP is one of my best, so you can imagine that when our two bball teams were fighting it out for the final spot in the Western Conference, he and I were all about it. When it started to come down to the wire and we realized the intense conflict that was about to take place, we decided a bet of some kind needed to be made. Obviously I lost, so here it is. My breakdown of the Denver Nuggets 2007-08 Season in all it's glory. It's extremely late I was supposed to post it right after their season came to an end, but I wanted to piss him off which has worked brilliantly! For the record, going by the way the Warriors played LA this season, that series would have been waaaaay more interesting and maybe actually a decent one to watch. So...yeah. Coming into the season, Denver had a lot to prove and a pair of superstars on a mission. One of which had even made the prediction of a sweet 60-Win season! Kids. Coach Karl had some fun toys to play with, indeed. His boys formed a high-powered offense that was not only extremely exciting to watch, but could win games while choosing not to play defense all together. Textbook basketball? Maybe not. Good times? Hell yes!
After last season's early exit via a San Antonio team who could not be stopped by anyone, Karl and his Nuggets had now lost four straight First Round Playoff Series. Ahhh but the winds of change were blowing through the Mile High City. With them came great optimism and of course, high expectations. On Halloween night, they set out on their journey at home against Seattle. Basketball-hungry Nuggets fans by the tens of thousands got what they wished for as AI put up 25 pts, 5 rebs, 14 assists & 7 steals and Melo dropped 32 in a lopsided victory against young rookie phenom, Kevin Durant & the rest of Carlesimo's Sonics. Just like that, the potential 60-Win season had kicked off!
Shortly after a few blowout losses, including a 26-point whooping by Boston that brought them down to earth, Denver trampled on the Wizards in DC, and followed that up with 5 straight wins against scrub teams, averaging 116 PPG in that 6-game streak and realizing their strengths. "Before that game (vs. Boston) we were walking around thinking we won something before we won anything, It was a blessing the way they beat us." said Melo, "We learned a lot from that." Through the next 9 games, however, Denver won just 4 and lost to every formidable opponent they faced with the exception of a blowout win in Dallas that probably made Mark Cuban go home and kick his teacup yorkie. AI was coming off a 48-minute 51-point night (in defeat) at home vs. the Lakers, and threw up 35 pts, 12 assists and 6 steals against a 12-8 Dallas team. "He's the energizer Bunny!" said Anthony Carter after the game. "He just doesn't get tired. He was charged up for this game."
From there, the Nuggets won 6 of their next 10. The most exciting game of that stretch by far was a double overtime victory at home against a T-Mac-less Houston Rockets team. AI & Melo went off with 36 & 37, respectively. But it was a buzzer-beating floater by Anthony Carter with 0.8 seconds in double OT that gave the Nuggets the 112-111 win to dazzle and thrill their hometown faithful. Now, here's where it gets fun for me. It always makes for an awesome matchup when two out of the league's three most exciting teams square off. What could possibly make it even more exhilarating? Back-to-back games, of course. So...on a chilly Friday night in Oakland, the Nuggets rolled into town locked and loaded for a straight-up shootout with their old pals, the Golden State Warriors. After the 71-point 1st Quarter you knew this game was going to be all that it was hyped up to be. The Nuggets led through the majority of the game, but Monta Ellis on a fast-break tied it up at 118 a piece with 1:12 to go in the 4th Quarter. After a bucket by AI & couple free-throws by Melo, Baron Davis made it 122-120, Nuggets missed a shot and with 10 seconds left, the final possession fell into the hands of jack-it-up Jack. Sadly, he did. A 3-pointer. Clank. Ballgame.
After the crazy OT loss at home and a full day to think about the what-ifs, the Nuggets went on a three game winning streak including yet another OT thriller in Miami. They then exacted revenge on the Boston Celtics on their home court in front of their screaming fans who packed The Can that night for a meeting of the two teams' respective Big Threes. In KG's first game back from his strained abdomen injury, he only played 21 minutes and went 2-7 with 8 rebounds and 4 turnovers. It was because of a good shooting night from Boston's rookie Rondo, and the other 2 to the Big Three that they stayed in the game. The bench combined for 46 points as well, but double-digit scoring from Denver's entire starting five and chiseled hottie Kleiza off the bench ultimately spelled win for the Nuggets. The 19,000 strong in attendance that night, who had been waiting patiently for this game since the loss in Boston back in November, did not leave disappointed.
At this point in the season, the battle for playoff spots in the West was an intense one. The West was just amazing and Denver, Dallas and Golden State battled for the 7th & 8th spots all the time knowing that one of the three would end up on the outside looking in after a great season and nothing to show for it.
Dallas was 46-28 and their schedule to round out the season was GS, @LAL, @PHX, SEA, UTAH, @POR, @SEA, NO.
Golden State was 45-30 their schedule was @DAL, @MEM, @NO, SAC, DEN, LAC, @PHX, SEA.
Denver was 46-29 their schedule was SAC, @SEA, @LAC, @GS, @UTAH, HOU, MEM.
Coming off a bitter 3-point loss at the hands of the Sacramento Kings on April 5th in which Melo scored 47 points, the Nuggets flew to Seattle to take on Kevin Durant and the 18-win Supersonics. Seattle was ready. Denver had dropped 168 on them a few weeks ago and now it was their turn. Seattle's 2 rookies would have the best games of their young careers that night. Revenge was exacted on Denver for the three previous absolute slayings (10/31 120-103 & 2/27 138-96 then the big one on 3/16 168-116). It was a double OT victory which saw the rooks Durant & Green combine for 72 points and 18 rebounds. Melo dropped 38 & 11 and AI 26 & 13 assists. There were four ties in the final 9 minutes of regulation, then with 99 seconds left, Kleiza hit a three and put the Nuggets up 126-123. But Durant was far from done. With 22 seconds to go, he matched Kleiza's three with one of his own. In OT Period #1 saw scoring from AI, Melo & Kleiza and three blocks from Martin & Camby. Durant & Green followed suit from the other end. With 91 seconds remaining in the 1st OT, AI buried a three putting Denver up 135-130. Durant was fouled and made both FTs, an AI miss followed by a Durant three with 5 seconds tied it up again. In OT #2, despite a great effort by Martin, the rookies came out on top making shots, rebounding & getting to the line. They took the game 147-151 and had Golden State fans everywhere shouting YEE!
With just five games left in the season, and the pesky and unpredictable Golden State Warriors the only thing standing in their way, Denver made the trip to the City of Angels to meet "the other" LA bball team. This was a must win game and they did. With authority. Just up the coast were the fellow 8th place Warriors. They needed every single game but this one meant the most. AI & the Nuggets barged into The Town anticipating one hell of a fight. It was a beautiful night in Oakland and anyone who is a fan of basketball was excited as hell for this matchup. Do or die between arguably the two most exciting teams in the NBA. Golden State desperate to prove to the world that last season's first round victory against Dallas was no fluke, Denver itching to get in & get past the first round for the first time since the 1993-94 Season. But the 8th & final spot could belong to only one.
Nobody gave Denver a chance in this series. The two teams had played each other three times in the regular season and LA won those games by 49 points combined. Now they had to face them with all key puzzle pieces in place. Were the Nuggets scared? "If you're scared, get a dog. If you're scared, go to church. God gave those guys on that team talent and he gave it to us, too. Why put their talent above ours?" That's how AI viewed things going into the series. Game 1 was in LA and Pau Gasol came to play. He took over the paint and lifted LA to a 97-78 lead after Three. Kobe scored 18 points in the 4th and despite a good 4th Quarter effort by AI & Melo, they could not do much to stop the League MVP. LA took Game 1 by the score of 128-114. Game 2 started out pretty excitingly with both teams taking it to one another with aggression. LA only ked by one point coming out of the 1st Quarter but early in the 2nd LA outscored Denver 14-4. The MVP ended the 1st Half with 25 points, Pau Gasol was all but invisible through the half with 4 points, 4 rebs & 4 assists. For the Nuggets it was a sad half as they ended up being outscored 59-49. The rest of the game, Denver kept up but they could never gain a lead, shooting 44% and 4-19 on threes, plus poor production from the bench with the exception of Mr. Smith, (who ended up with 21 in 29 minutes), there was no matching Kobe and friends. The man-beast ended the game with 49 points & 10 assists. The setting for Game 3 was back at The Can. Down 2-0, Denver really just needed to wake the hell up. Finally, the series would see what an NBA crowd is supposed to sound like! Sadly, the rowdy sixth man didn't make much of a difference to the Denver Players. They shot 37% from the field & 25% from the three point line, committed 16 turnovers, and were outplayed on nearly every count. The typically high-scoring offense was downright sad. Melo & AI combined for just 31 points, Camby came up with a doughnut, and Mr. Smith only made 4-11 shots off the bench this time. When said bench was emptied in the 4th Quarter, it sent the wrong message. Melo was extremely upset after the game and accused everyone including himself of giving up. He caught slack for the comment but it seemed to ring true. Before this game, they had not scored 84 points or less but twice all season. The final was 102-84. Game 4 saw a rejuvenated Nuggets team. They came to play and if nothing else, claim one postseason victory in front of their amazing and loyal fans. They trailed in the 1st half but made a comeback in the 2nd. Kleiza made a jumper that put them ahead 73-71 and for a moment it looked like they may have found a way, but after some missed shots, the Lakers were back ahead. The game stayed close until the final minutes. In the end, Kobe Bryant was too much and Melo & AI were not enough. They were handed a 4-0 sweep at the hands of what would eventually be the Western Conference Champions.
The 2007-08 Denver Nuggets have nothing to be ashamed of this past season. They amassed a 50-win Season for only the 4th time in franchise history. They did it on the backs of two of the NBA's hardest working superstars, a defensive stud, 2 key role players and not much else.
Allen Iverson ended his amazing season having played all 82 games. During the regular season he shot a career-high 34% in 3P, had 26.4 PPG, a 56.7 TS%, 27.4 AST%, 2.2 STL%, 26.7 Usg%, 20.9 PER, and a career-high 24.7 OWS, and 9.0 WSAA. At age 33, he played more minutes than anyone else in the league with 3242, 1st in FTs, (most of all active players with 6000), 4th in steals, 3rd in points, 7th in assists, and 7th in OWS. AI accomplished all this playing 41.8 MPG. This future Hall of Famer had himself a season. Through the playoffs, he scored 24.5 PPG in 39.5 MP with 4.5 Assists.
Carmelo Anthony ended his season with a career-best 35% 3P, 25.7 PPG, 56.8 TS%, 1.7 STL%, 21.1 PER, 30.2 Usg%, 14.5 OWS in 36.4 MP through 77 games. He came in 4th in the league in PPG, 10th in Free throws and 4th in Usg%. In the playoffs he scored 22.5 PPG & 9.5 RPG in 36.5 MP.
Marcus Camby won 1st Team All-Defensive Honors, he was 2nd in Total Rebounds with 1037, 1st in Blocks with 285, 4th in DWS, and had the 7th best Defensive rating with 98.3.
The End.
This season, HTP, your write-up of the 2008-09 Golden State Warriors had better be something truly special haha!!
After last season's early exit via a San Antonio team who could not be stopped by anyone, Karl and his Nuggets had now lost four straight First Round Playoff Series. Ahhh but the winds of change were blowing through the Mile High City. With them came great optimism and of course, high expectations. On Halloween night, they set out on their journey at home against Seattle. Basketball-hungry Nuggets fans by the tens of thousands got what they wished for as AI put up 25 pts, 5 rebs, 14 assists & 7 steals and Melo dropped 32 in a lopsided victory against young rookie phenom, Kevin Durant & the rest of Carlesimo's Sonics. Just like that, the potential 60-Win season had kicked off!
Shortly after a few blowout losses, including a 26-point whooping by Boston that brought them down to earth, Denver trampled on the Wizards in DC, and followed that up with 5 straight wins against scrub teams, averaging 116 PPG in that 6-game streak and realizing their strengths. "Before that game (vs. Boston) we were walking around thinking we won something before we won anything, It was a blessing the way they beat us." said Melo, "We learned a lot from that." Through the next 9 games, however, Denver won just 4 and lost to every formidable opponent they faced with the exception of a blowout win in Dallas that probably made Mark Cuban go home and kick his teacup yorkie. AI was coming off a 48-minute 51-point night (in defeat) at home vs. the Lakers, and threw up 35 pts, 12 assists and 6 steals against a 12-8 Dallas team. "He's the energizer Bunny!" said Anthony Carter after the game. "He just doesn't get tired. He was charged up for this game."
From there, the Nuggets won 6 of their next 10. The most exciting game of that stretch by far was a double overtime victory at home against a T-Mac-less Houston Rockets team. AI & Melo went off with 36 & 37, respectively. But it was a buzzer-beating floater by Anthony Carter with 0.8 seconds in double OT that gave the Nuggets the 112-111 win to dazzle and thrill their hometown faithful. Now, here's where it gets fun for me. It always makes for an awesome matchup when two out of the league's three most exciting teams square off. What could possibly make it even more exhilarating? Back-to-back games, of course. So...on a chilly Friday night in Oakland, the Nuggets rolled into town locked and loaded for a straight-up shootout with their old pals, the Golden State Warriors. After the 71-point 1st Quarter you knew this game was going to be all that it was hyped up to be. The Nuggets led through the majority of the game, but Monta Ellis on a fast-break tied it up at 118 a piece with 1:12 to go in the 4th Quarter. After a bucket by AI & couple free-throws by Melo, Baron Davis made it 122-120, Nuggets missed a shot and with 10 seconds left, the final possession fell into the hands of jack-it-up Jack. Sadly, he did. A 3-pointer. Clank. Ballgame.
After the crazy OT loss at home and a full day to think about the what-ifs, the Nuggets went on a three game winning streak including yet another OT thriller in Miami. They then exacted revenge on the Boston Celtics on their home court in front of their screaming fans who packed The Can that night for a meeting of the two teams' respective Big Threes. In KG's first game back from his strained abdomen injury, he only played 21 minutes and went 2-7 with 8 rebounds and 4 turnovers. It was because of a good shooting night from Boston's rookie Rondo, and the other 2 to the Big Three that they stayed in the game. The bench combined for 46 points as well, but double-digit scoring from Denver's entire starting five and chiseled hottie Kleiza off the bench ultimately spelled win for the Nuggets. The 19,000 strong in attendance that night, who had been waiting patiently for this game since the loss in Boston back in November, did not leave disappointed.
At this point in the season, the battle for playoff spots in the West was an intense one. The West was just amazing and Denver, Dallas and Golden State battled for the 7th & 8th spots all the time knowing that one of the three would end up on the outside looking in after a great season and nothing to show for it.
Dallas was 46-28 and their schedule to round out the season was GS, @LAL, @PHX, SEA, UTAH, @POR, @SEA, NO.
Golden State was 45-30 their schedule was @DAL, @MEM, @NO, SAC, DEN, LAC, @PHX, SEA.
Denver was 46-29 their schedule was SAC, @SEA, @LAC, @GS, @UTAH, HOU, MEM.
Coming off a bitter 3-point loss at the hands of the Sacramento Kings on April 5th in which Melo scored 47 points, the Nuggets flew to Seattle to take on Kevin Durant and the 18-win Supersonics. Seattle was ready. Denver had dropped 168 on them a few weeks ago and now it was their turn. Seattle's 2 rookies would have the best games of their young careers that night. Revenge was exacted on Denver for the three previous absolute slayings (10/31 120-103 & 2/27 138-96 then the big one on 3/16 168-116). It was a double OT victory which saw the rooks Durant & Green combine for 72 points and 18 rebounds. Melo dropped 38 & 11 and AI 26 & 13 assists. There were four ties in the final 9 minutes of regulation, then with 99 seconds left, Kleiza hit a three and put the Nuggets up 126-123. But Durant was far from done. With 22 seconds to go, he matched Kleiza's three with one of his own. In OT Period #1 saw scoring from AI, Melo & Kleiza and three blocks from Martin & Camby. Durant & Green followed suit from the other end. With 91 seconds remaining in the 1st OT, AI buried a three putting Denver up 135-130. Durant was fouled and made both FTs, an AI miss followed by a Durant three with 5 seconds tied it up again. In OT #2, despite a great effort by Martin, the rookies came out on top making shots, rebounding & getting to the line. They took the game 147-151 and had Golden State fans everywhere shouting YEE!
With just five games left in the season, and the pesky and unpredictable Golden State Warriors the only thing standing in their way, Denver made the trip to the City of Angels to meet "the other" LA bball team. This was a must win game and they did. With authority. Just up the coast were the fellow 8th place Warriors. They needed every single game but this one meant the most. AI & the Nuggets barged into The Town anticipating one hell of a fight. It was a beautiful night in Oakland and anyone who is a fan of basketball was excited as hell for this matchup. Do or die between arguably the two most exciting teams in the NBA. Golden State desperate to prove to the world that last season's first round victory against Dallas was no fluke, Denver itching to get in & get past the first round for the first time since the 1993-94 Season. But the 8th & final spot could belong to only one.
Nobody gave Denver a chance in this series. The two teams had played each other three times in the regular season and LA won those games by 49 points combined. Now they had to face them with all key puzzle pieces in place. Were the Nuggets scared? "If you're scared, get a dog. If you're scared, go to church. God gave those guys on that team talent and he gave it to us, too. Why put their talent above ours?" That's how AI viewed things going into the series. Game 1 was in LA and Pau Gasol came to play. He took over the paint and lifted LA to a 97-78 lead after Three. Kobe scored 18 points in the 4th and despite a good 4th Quarter effort by AI & Melo, they could not do much to stop the League MVP. LA took Game 1 by the score of 128-114. Game 2 started out pretty excitingly with both teams taking it to one another with aggression. LA only ked by one point coming out of the 1st Quarter but early in the 2nd LA outscored Denver 14-4. The MVP ended the 1st Half with 25 points, Pau Gasol was all but invisible through the half with 4 points, 4 rebs & 4 assists. For the Nuggets it was a sad half as they ended up being outscored 59-49. The rest of the game, Denver kept up but they could never gain a lead, shooting 44% and 4-19 on threes, plus poor production from the bench with the exception of Mr. Smith, (who ended up with 21 in 29 minutes), there was no matching Kobe and friends. The man-beast ended the game with 49 points & 10 assists. The setting for Game 3 was back at The Can. Down 2-0, Denver really just needed to wake the hell up. Finally, the series would see what an NBA crowd is supposed to sound like! Sadly, the rowdy sixth man didn't make much of a difference to the Denver Players. They shot 37% from the field & 25% from the three point line, committed 16 turnovers, and were outplayed on nearly every count. The typically high-scoring offense was downright sad. Melo & AI combined for just 31 points, Camby came up with a doughnut, and Mr. Smith only made 4-11 shots off the bench this time. When said bench was emptied in the 4th Quarter, it sent the wrong message. Melo was extremely upset after the game and accused everyone including himself of giving up. He caught slack for the comment but it seemed to ring true. Before this game, they had not scored 84 points or less but twice all season. The final was 102-84. Game 4 saw a rejuvenated Nuggets team. They came to play and if nothing else, claim one postseason victory in front of their amazing and loyal fans. They trailed in the 1st half but made a comeback in the 2nd. Kleiza made a jumper that put them ahead 73-71 and for a moment it looked like they may have found a way, but after some missed shots, the Lakers were back ahead. The game stayed close until the final minutes. In the end, Kobe Bryant was too much and Melo & AI were not enough. They were handed a 4-0 sweep at the hands of what would eventually be the Western Conference Champions.
The 2007-08 Denver Nuggets have nothing to be ashamed of this past season. They amassed a 50-win Season for only the 4th time in franchise history. They did it on the backs of two of the NBA's hardest working superstars, a defensive stud, 2 key role players and not much else.
Allen Iverson ended his amazing season having played all 82 games. During the regular season he shot a career-high 34% in 3P, had 26.4 PPG, a 56.7 TS%, 27.4 AST%, 2.2 STL%, 26.7 Usg%, 20.9 PER, and a career-high 24.7 OWS, and 9.0 WSAA. At age 33, he played more minutes than anyone else in the league with 3242, 1st in FTs, (most of all active players with 6000), 4th in steals, 3rd in points, 7th in assists, and 7th in OWS. AI accomplished all this playing 41.8 MPG. This future Hall of Famer had himself a season. Through the playoffs, he scored 24.5 PPG in 39.5 MP with 4.5 Assists.
Carmelo Anthony ended his season with a career-best 35% 3P, 25.7 PPG, 56.8 TS%, 1.7 STL%, 21.1 PER, 30.2 Usg%, 14.5 OWS in 36.4 MP through 77 games. He came in 4th in the league in PPG, 10th in Free throws and 4th in Usg%. In the playoffs he scored 22.5 PPG & 9.5 RPG in 36.5 MP.
Marcus Camby won 1st Team All-Defensive Honors, he was 2nd in Total Rebounds with 1037, 1st in Blocks with 285, 4th in DWS, and had the 7th best Defensive rating with 98.3.
The End.
This season, HTP, your write-up of the 2008-09 Golden State Warriors had better be something truly special haha!!
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